In recognition of their diligence in business, and particularly with respect to responding on a timely basis to the annual requirements of the Anguilla Statistics Department, awards of honour were presented to several duty-bound businesses on Thursday evening, October 17th, by the Department. It was the third annual Statistical Symposium.
The awards ceremony, which was held at the Teachers’ Resource Centre, brought together business owners and company representatives who were given a walk-through presentation, by Chief Statistician, Mrs. Lori-rae Alleyne Franklin, on how statistical data is assimilated and reported by the Statistics Department. Mrs. Franklin was ably assisted by Senior Statistical Officer, Mr. Careme Carty.
Moderating the ceremony was Mr. Sanford Richardson, retired Commissioner at the Department of Social Services. He had high praise for Mrs. Franklin, stating that he was her “counselor” while working in the Public Service. He applauded her professional demeanor in rendering optimum statistical service on a consistent basis — making the best of her tasks with limited resources.
Expressing his appreciation for statistics, Mr. Richardson remarked: “I have worked very closely with Lori-rae in statistics because I am a lover of statistics. Stats teach a lot. There is nothing wrong with statistics. It is just a matter of how one chooses to apply them. Lori-rae has always been schooling me as to how statistics should be used, and I have always admired her professionalism.”
The feature address was delivered by Mr. Thomas Hodge, former General Manager of ANGLEC, and Founder of Switchlogix. He emphasized the point that nothing worthwhile happens without statistics. “I have taken this opportunity to reflect upon statistics and what it means,” he said. “Statistics is actually the results of collecting and analyzing data.

“Statistics tells us what is happening in the world around us, and at what rate. Without statistics we would have no advancement in the production of the things we require for life. These things depend upon reliable data. Statistics drives customer satisfaction, quality control, and safety. And statistics drives a lot of the decisions that we make in our personal lives from day to day. Statistics plays a role that is easily overlooked and a role that should be appreciated.”
Many local businesses, which have shown much appreciation for statistics, have been consistently submitting relevant data to the Stats Department and, as a result, received awards during the evening’s proceedings. These businesses were rated in first, second and third place categories of recognition. According to Mrs. Franklin, “in order to be considered, businesses should have returned their surveys regularly over the last 5 years. If the 2017 surveys were not returned (due to Hurricane Irma) they were still considered. In the event of a tie, consecutive years prior to 2014 were considered to determine the positions.”
Businesses rated in the 1st place category included: the Department of Agriculture, Anguilla Masonary Products, TSG Water Works Ltd., Orchard Romney Beck & Associates, Hottest Selection, Delta Petroleum Anguilla Ltd., Rogers Heavy Equipment, Lloyds Aviation Services, FPF Services Ltd., La Palma Guest House, North East Villas, Trattoria Tramonto, The Anguillian newspaper, Anguilla Development Board, National Caribbean Insurance, Banx Professional Services Ltd., Stott and Company Ltd., Blue Sea, Anguilla Communitry College, Atlantic Star Centre of Medical Excellence, Health Authority of Anguilla, NBA Sports and Social Club, and XQUIZIT Hairpressions.
Businesses rated in the 2nd place category included: Anguilla Block and Sand, West Indies Concrete, Caribbean Silk Screen, TSG Water Works Ltd., Anguilla Electricity Company, Capital Plumbing and Domestic Services, Pineapple Gallery, Kobbe Designs, SOL St. Lucia Ltd., Father & Son Trucking, Safe Cargo Services, Sea View Apartments, Picante Restaurant, Scotiabank Anguilla Ltd., Occidental Life Insurance Ltd., Professional Corporate Services, Astaphan Chambers, Island Comprehensive Health Centre Ltd., Anguilla National Trust, and Sharp Edge Barber Shop.
Businesses rated in the 3rd place category included: Caribbean Silk Screen, Titanium Construction Co., JW Proctors Supermarket Ltd., Donald Richardson Taxi Services, Lionel Lloyd Taxi Services, Tropical Shipping, Jadalia Villa, Hibernia Restaurant, Foreign Commerce Bank Ltd., Midland National Life Insurance Co., Hillcomspec Consultancy Ltd., Skyline Locker Service, Centre for Dental & Facial Aesthetics, Anguilla Family Planning, and TAMOA Boutique & Salon.
Many of the awardees were not on hand to receive their trophies of appreciation, but those who were present were indeed thrilled with the honor. A special award was issued to Wilson’s Wholesale Store — and Mr. David Carty, Mr. Ken Banks and Mr. Sanford Richardson were the worthy recipients of the Statistics Ambassador Award.
The vote of thanks was given by Senior Statistics Officer, Mr. Careme Carty, who applauded the honourable Statistics Ambassadors, as well as all those businesses which have been making consistent submissions to the Department, over the past years.
– Staff Reporter, James R. Harrigan