As by Mrs. Candis A. Niles, the Tourism Education Coordinator charged with the responsibility to oversee and coordinate the educational needs for this vital industry, which is the engine driving our economy, I am committed to working with all stakeholders to ensure that the people of this nation are given the opportunity, through innovative programming at all levels from Pre-primary, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Education to pursue Tourism and Hospitality education and Training that will equip them with the Knowledge, Skills and Experiences that will complement the natural hospitable psyche of our people, thus creating the desired Attitude that leads to Excellence in the Workplace at all levels.
A critical aspect of this educational approach is creating a cohesive and consistent flow of information supplemented by real-life experiences that will help to cement the learning experience for our nation’s children, specifically, and our people in general. The story of our past successes must be told to inspire a new generation of Anguillians to aim for excellence in this industry where Excellence equals Success. A critical outcome is for our people to receive the knowledge, skills, and certification they need to be recognized in our highly-competitive, global labour market.
I salute the work already being undertaken in this regard by the Ministry of Education through the work of the TVET Coordinator and the TVET Council working in concert with the Anguilla Community College, and other critical stakeholders to make TVET certification a reality, but I must add that our Government leaders must be prepared to adopt policy positions that ensure that our people, once equipped with the workplace tools that they need, are given a fair opportunity to participate in the flourishing job market created by the Tourism Industry. One such pathway is through the sphere of Entrepreneurship, and we will be highlighting the opportunities available to our people to pursue ancillary career paths associated with Tourism through the focus on the “Made in Anguilla Centre” located in West End.
The Made in Anguilla Centre is an initiative spearheaded by the Ministry of Tourism, in partnership with the Department of Youth and Culture and the Anguilla Tourist Board, as part of the implementation programme recommended by the ‘Sustainable Tourism Master Plan 2010 – 2020.’ It is located in West End, next to the old West End Clinic, and is housed in the building painted most appropriately in the national colours of Anguilla.
The art displayed is authentic to Anguilla; it depicts the plant, animal, coastal and cultural life of Anguilla, using various media of expression, including, wood, shell, stone, fabric and calabash; and featuring a wide array of products like wooden sculptures, jewelry, paintings, bags, hats, soaps, candles, lotions and brooms. Members of the public as well as teachers and students, are invited and encouraged to visit the Centre on World Tourism Day to show their support for the artists and entrepreneurs of Anguilla who are doing their part to ensure that mementos of Anguillian heritage and traditions are available for local and visitor consumption, thus contributing to the creation of jobs and the sustainability of our economy. Centre Manager, Malesia Carty, artist with Expression of Tranquility studio, will be delighted to welcome you and show you

our national mementos.
And so as we join with nations around the world to celebrate World Tourism Day 2019, let us not lose sight of the important role we must play as industry leaders in ensuring that this industry works for the people of this nation by providing the Jobs they need to enable them to build a strong future for themselves and their families, and for future generations of Anguillians.
– Press Release