and Mr Romaro Richardson with fire boot
The Department of Fire and Rescue Service in Anguilla will observe Fire Prevention Week from October 6-12, with a programme of activities. The theme of the week is: “Not every hero wears a cape”.
One of the special activities will be the installation of 1,000 smoke detectors in the homes of elderly persons island-wide. “It is really a big initiative we have,” said Leading Fire Fighter, Mr Omari Bourne. “We have something called a ‘Fill Boot Campaign’. It is an old fire boot which we have in ten locations on the island. It is a collaborative effort between the Fire Department and ANGLEC. We are trying to raise funds to purchase 1,000 smoke detectors to be installed in elderly homes in Anguilla and the money is to help to finance the effort.
“These fire boots are located at the National Commercial Bank of Anguilla, ANGLEC, the Inland Revenue Department, Best Buy East and Best Buy West, Flow, Digicel, Office Essentials, and the Blowing Point Port. If you go there, you will see a sign with a fire boot. We are encouraging persons to contribute any amount of money for the purchase of the 1,000 smoke alarms.
“We will consider any homes where the occupants are 65 years and over. If you are that age, you can call the Fire Department and have your names registered. We want the installation of the smoke detectors campaign to extend island-wide way beyond Fire Week. Previously, we installed smoke detectors in all four senior citizens’ homes on the island, the primary schools and day-care facilities. Last year we went into The Valley community and this year we will be doing the installations island-wide to raise awareness of fire safety and protection.”
Fire Prevention Week will commence on Sunday, October 6 with a 7.00 am church service at the First Baptist Church in Welches, where the preacher will be Pastor Norril Gumbs.
On Monday, October 7, will be a grand parade in The Valley area and over the coming days, there will be visits to all the primary schools. Thursday, October 10, will be an Open House Day when all schoolchildren will be invited to the Fire Station to give them an opportunity to see the various facilities there.
Friday, October 11, will be a Drill Display at the Fire Station followed by a Bingo Night there. On Saturday, October 12, there will be a walk and run event from the Fire Station to Shoal Bay East and back, commencing at 5.00 am. Later in the day will be the second annual Fire and Rescue Service bicycle race in The Valley commencing at 9.00 am. The Fourth Annual Firemen’s Ball at the Fire Station commencing at 7o’clock on Saturday evening will climax Fire Prevention Week 2019.