We are very excited to embark on the next phase of our public service transformation process in our ongoing efforts to establish clear, direct and transparent lines of communication.
The first of these will be a Community Perspectives Survey to be conducted over the next several weeks beginning Wednesday, August 21st, 2019 and ending on or before Monday, September 30th, 2019.
The ONLINE survey will encompass all facets of services provided to the public: from routine mail and licenses to travel, our schools, and a range of business and oversight activities. The transformation team is especially excited to include questions offering to recognize those who may have provided outstanding service, as well as any departments, agencies or other entities in the public or private sector delivering exceptional service.
To participate enter the following link in a browser:
To thank you for completing the survey, you will be invited to enter a drawing for a brand new 10-inch Android Tablet or Kindle Fire HD10, both with a camera, Wi-Fi, Facebook, Twitter and all the most popular apps! Please encourage your friends and family to participate.
Please note that all survey and drawing entries are confidential, and results will be reported anonymously. Contact information will only be used for informing the winners to be randomly drawn from the survey entries.
Conducted on behalf of the Anguilla Public Service by ClienTell Consulting, the survey feedback will be sent to a secure site: the same one that supported the recent Anguilla Secondary Education survey, as well as ACOCI and AHTA surveys in the past.
We look forward to working to improve the Anguilla Public Service based on this feedback.
Perin Bradley (Mr.)
Hon. Deputy Governor