As the new school year begins twenty students from the Orealia Kelly Primary School and the Valley Primary school were given a reason to smile as they received backpacks packed with school supplies.
During the summer holidays, Mr. Joseph “Joe B” Williams presented ten (10) backpacks to Ms. Marcia Brooks, principal of the Orealia Kelly Primary School and ten (10) to Mr. Michael Skellekie, principal of the Valley Primary School. Mr. Williams resides in Florida and has been making annual contributions to the children of Anguilla. In the past Vivien Vanterpool Primary, St. Mary’s Preschool and Christian Baptist Preschool were recipients of schools items donated by him.
Mr. Williams, an employee at Tropical Shipping LLC, in Florida, has established a bond with his managers, co-workers, friends and businesses and they come together annually and make significant contributions to the back-to-school events that are conducted by Kool FM radio and Sunset Homes. The students and their parents are appreciative of the love shown to them through these donations.
On behalf of the Children, Parents, Department of Education, Kool FM and Sunset Homes we wish every continued success and blessings to Mr. Joseph Williams, the Management and Staff of Tropical Shipping LLC, friends, businesses and well –wishers in Florida.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper)