Work continues at Orealia Kelly Primary with the first concrete for the foundations being poured and the new classroom at Vivien Vanterpool Primary is very nearly finished. Looking ahead to big investments, invitations to tender have now issued for work on Adrian T Hazell and Valley Primary. Contractors have until 17 and 23 October respectively to submit their bids with work on both schools scheduled to start in November. The consultants hired to design the new Campus A have submitted their design drawings to the GoA’s Building Board. Once the board has cleared the design tendering for the contract can go ahead.
Minister Cora Richardson-Hodge said that……….. “it is great news that all the primary school tenders have now been issued. We look forward to the contracts being awarded and the work starting soon”.
Elsewhere, the Deputy Governor Perin Bradley and Ms Charlene Hodge, Project Manager have met with the Premier, the Honourable Mr Victor Banks, and the Leader of the Opposition, the Honourable Ms Pam Webster, to take their views on the interior layout for the refurbishment of the House of Assembly.

At Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH) new sliding shutter doors are being added to the generator plant building. These will provide increased hurricane protection to the generators and for the ambulance that will be garaged in the building. Deadline for bids to work on repairs to the main building is 18 September and 25 September is the deadline for bids to build the new stores. And continuing the medical theme the invitation to bid for work on Western Poly Clinic issued on 17 September and the invitation to bid for building the new Valley Health Complex will issue soon.