It is now that period of the year in Anguilla, called ‘carnival’ for short, but the all-inclusive “Summer Festival” as it is formally known.
A number of pre-carnival events have already passed, but there are many cultural shows coming up next week beginning with J’ouvert, the Sandy Ground beach party and the August Monday boat-race with hundreds expected to be in attendance at each activity.
The events will continue during the week at the refurbished Landsome Bowl Cultural Centre in The Valley. In addition to the August Monday boat-race, there will be races at Island Harbour on August Tuesday; Blowing Point on August Wednesday; Meads Bay on August Thursday; and the Champion of Champions Race on the following Sunday.
The carnival events will spill over from the Landsome Bowl Cultural Centre on Friday, August 9, with the colourful and mass-attended Parade of Troupes.
Immigration statistics are expected to soar in Anguilla with the influx of visitors to the island for the holiday period of entertainment. It is also a time when the Inland Revenue Department benefits much from Accommodation and Departure Taxes. The Blowing Point Port, with its ferry service, is the main entry and departure area in Anguilla.