As if they had followed the motto of their school, “Never Say Fail”, twelve Grade Six students at the Morris Vanterpool School successfully graduated on Thursday, June 27. The venue for the event was the St. Augustine’s Anglican Church where a capacity audience was in attendance.
Bound for the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School in September, the graduating students in the Class of 2019 made their teachers and parents proud of them. Like the 2018 graduates, they did very well notwithstanding their displacement from their customary school building which was severely damaged by Hurricane Irma in September 2017. That school building has now been demolished and a new and modern structure, on the same site, is to be built later on.
In addition to being the recipients of a quantity of gifts from various sponsors and parents, all 12 graduates were presented with awards from their school as follows:
Khorey Barrett (Valedictorian): Most Outstanding Performance in Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, Music and Visual Arts; Outstanding Performance in Language Arts, Most Outstanding Male CPEA Student.
Draidahan Lico (Salutatorian): Most Outstanding Performance in Language Arts, Spanish; Outstanding Performance in Mathematics, Social Studies and Science.
Kamea Harrigan: Most Outstanding Performance in Information Communication Technology, Outstanding Performance in Science.
Kaysean Lake: Most Outstanding Performance in Physical Education.
Jael Benta: Outstanding Performance in Language Arts, Science, Mathematics and Social Studies, Most Outstanding Female CPEA Student.
Chadero Kent: Outstanding Performance in Language Arts, Social Studies, Mathematics and Science.
Azara Carter: Outstanding Performance in Language Arts and Social Studies.
Kristal Anthony: Outstanding Performance in Physical Education and recipient of Principal’s Award.
Kevonea Harrigan: Improved Performance in Language Arts.
Caleb Bryan: Improved Performance in Science.
Lacoya Carmont: Improved Performance in Mathematics.
Kyran Wetheral: Improved Performance in Social Studies.
In his Valedictorian Speech, Khorey Barrett thanked his classmates for always been there for him and for each other. “No matter what you face, or what is going on in your life, you can do anything you put your mind to,” he advised his fellow graduates whom he further told to stick together. He reflected on school life and the moments of joy he shared with other students whom he will miss and remember. He expressed gratitude to teachers and parents for their guidance and support during the seven years at the Morris Vanterpool Primary School.
Earlier, the Feature Address was delivered by Mr. Malik Richard, a former student at the school, now a university graduate with double Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees. He encouraged the graduating students to press forward and to work towards success at the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School and beyond.
The presentation of Certificates and Awards was performed by Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education and Home Affairs, Mrs. Chanelle Petty Barrett. She was assisted by Teachers Leonard Telemaque, Vernelle Hughes and Listrah Adams.
The Principal, Ms. Paula Etienne, was grateful to the many persons who attended the graduation ceremony and supported the teachers and the Class of 2019.