Very busy with planning and implementing projects being funded under the 60 million pounds grant from the UK Government, Governor Tim Foy, OBE, took time off to speak to The Anguillian newspaper on Tuesday, July 2, on public service matters.
He was at the time being interviewed mainly about the above Anguilla Programme, but with some deviation in connection with rumours of transfers and other matters in the Anguilla Public Service.
The transfers relate to the reported movements of Mr. Andre Samuel from Director of Environment to Director of Disaster Management – an appointment held by Ms. Lisa Meade – who has reportedly replaced him.
In addition, the Governor was asked about the proposed merging of the Departments of Fisheries and Marine Resources and the Department of Agriculture.
A third matter related to rumours about an imminent transfer to the Agricultural Department from the Customs Department.
Here is what the Governor, whose responsibility for the public service has been delegated to the Deputy Governor, Mr. Perin Bradley, said:
“The responsibility of the public service lies with a very well-respected and competent Deputy Governor, who is actually in the UK now at the Overseas Territories’ meeting of Heads of Public Service. Perin doesn’t need me to speak for him. He is very good at his job.
“I think the merger of departments which have important synergies is a good thing to do. Public services get bigger all the time because new requirements arise and new functions added.
“Forty years ago we wouldn’t have a Dites – a Department of Information Technology Services – because we did not have digital information technology. So it is important that we constantly review this structure of the public service.
“I’m very confident that the moves which are being suggested in connection with the Department of Environment and Disaster Management are really about us giving good public servants an opportunity to contribute across the whole of the public service, and to demonstrate their capabilities in different areas.
“When you are a public servant you are just that. You are not exclusively tied to a particular department, and it is important that we spread the wealth of talent that we have so that people get different learning opportunities to develop them and bring different sets of skills and experience to different jobs.
“I think the moves that Perin has suggested, as a matter that he discusses with the Public Service Commission, is a good move because it gives people an opportunity to shine. And that is without any loss in performance.
“How would one who is accustomed to operating a Fisheries or Agricultural Department lead a twinned department?” the Governor was asked.
“That’s a good question,” he replied. “I am a firm believer that talented individuals would know how to provide that key role of governance of regulations, support and assistance. Really no matter what the sector is, if you were to look at the head of aviation in the United States, I wouldn’t guarantee that he was a pilot. It is someone who understands regulation. Similarly, I think that the moves which have been made are good. They are intelligent people. They will know how to run a department and how to provide the best service.”
“Does the same thing apply to disaster preparedness and the environment,” he was questioned.

“The important thing about disaster management, for me, is that a department is about two or three things really,” Governor Foy reasoned. “It is about making sure that we are as prepared as we should and that the responsibility for disaster management and preparedness doesn’t lie with one government department. I think someone who has worked in environmental protection would be pretty good at understanding that need.
“Secondly, it is about making sure that there is good coordination between government departments. I am pretty confident that the individual we are talking about understands that. He has worked across a range of government departments and it is an opportunity for him to develop and to learn.”
“Will the Governor’s Office have a particular role to play in disaster preparedness and management?” Governor Foy was further asked.
He answered: “We always had that because, in terms of the constitution, responsibility for the disaster management and preparations lies with the Governor’s Office, delegated to the Deputy Governor. So we will always provide that assistance and support.”
“What about the Customs Department where there are rumours about an eminent transfer,” the Governor was finally asked.
“If there were not rumours, it wouldn’t be Anguilla,” he stated. “The Customs Department is a critical department and everywhere in the world it is a difficult job. You are responsible for revenue, which nobody likes. You are responsible for protecting our borders in some ways from the influx of contraband including drugs and firearms.
“We will continue to work with the leadership of the Customs Department, through the public service, to make sure that we support those who are in senior positions. So, as far as I am aware, there will be no imminent changes.”