Applications are invited for the inaugural Anguilla Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACOCI) Scholarship at the University of the West Indies (UWI) Open Campus. The Scholarship Award is valued at US$2,200.00 which covers tuition for a normal academic year. It is available to new and continuing undergraduate students pursuing a business or management degree at the UWI Open Campus Anguilla.
According to President of the ACOCI, Ms. Sandra Lovell, the Scholarship is funded by the Chamber’s annual “Starry Night” Dinner/Dance Fund-Raiser. “This is the first Scholarship that the Chamber is offering to a UWI Open Campus Anguilla Student, and we are pleased to do so, because we have taken note of the important work being done there and the increasing number of students who are furthering their studies through the Open Campus,” Ms. Lovell said.
Manager for the UWI Open Campus British Overseas Territories, Dr. Phyllis Fleming Banks, has expressed appreciation to the Chamber on behalf of the Staff and Students. “The UWI Open Campus Anguilla is a proud member of the Anguilla Chamber of Commerce and Industry and many of our programmes are geared towards developing the business sector,” she said. “Our mission is advanced learning, create knowledge and foster innovation for the positive transformation of the Caribbean and the wider world, and we are pleased to be partnering with the Anguilla Chamber of Commerce and Industry in supporting the development of our national human resources.”
The ACOCI/UWI Open Campus Scholarship was established following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the UWI Open Campus Anguilla and the Anguilla Chamber of Commerce and Industry earlier this year.
Applications for enrolment in the undergraduate programmes at the UWI Open Campus for Semester One 2019/2020 will close on 15th July and applicants have until 31st July to apply for the ACOCI Scholarship. Interested candidates can access the application form online on the UWI Open Campus Website at Anguilla Chamber of Commerce Scholarship, or by contacting the UWI Open Campus Anguilla at anguilla@open.uwi.edu or the Anguilla Chamber of Commerce and Industry at info@anguillachamber.com.
– Press Release