Governor Tim Foy OBE has advised the people of Anguilla that there will be a big roll-out of tenders shortly for the construction of various public sector projects.
The work, which has been delayed to some extent, mainly to ensure that the right decisions were made, is to be funded under the 60 million pounds humanitarian grant provided by the UK Government.
Governor Foy was at the time speaking during his fortnightly Radio Anguilla interview with Keithstone Greaves on Wednesday, July 17. The interview programme, entitled “No Holds Barred, No Calls Barred,” is now in its second production.
He stated that while the projects, including the rebuilding of schools destroyed by Hurricane Irma, needed to begin, “it is important that we do not rush things because we will then make bad decisions and it is important that we build our schools to the best standards.”
He disclosed that one of his priorities was to get the period extended during which the money can be spent on the projects. He explained that the extension would take up to the end of March 2023.
“If you don’t spend the money, then you will lose it? the clever interviewer asked.
“I am trying to avoid the losing bit,” the Governor replied. “I have started my discussions with the UK Government…and I am pretty optimistic that we will actually achieve it [the extension period and perhaps even more money later on].
He continued: “In terms of the funding, we are not at a crisis point at the moment because we still have significant cash. We got some cushion, but I want to get in their early because I realise that the early bird catches the worm…The UK’s commitment to the 60 million pounds won’t change. What I am looking forward to is to get more for Anguilla.”
Meanwhile, in an effort to provide more information to the public – not only on the Anguilla Programme – but on other matters of general interest, the Governor’s Office will commence a fortnightly column in The Anguillian newspaper as from Friday, July 26. The column will be entitled: “Governor’s Office Update”.