On Wednesday 26th June, 2019 an academic chapter for 25 girls and 18 boys, at the Adrian T. Hazell Primary School came to a close. Under the theme “We Were Born Champions”, these students forsook the traditional graduation interlude, choosing to rock up the aisle, at the Church of God Holiness at Pope Hill, to the song ‘Win” by Brian McKnight with much pride and great admiration from the huge gathering of teachers, parents, guardians and well-wishers.
The programme was ably chaired by Barrister at Law Ms. Deleon Richardson, a graduate of the school and the welcome was done by the principal, Ms. Tiffany Thomas. The Principal remarked that the theme chosen for the celebration was a mantra that she desires the graduates to embrace throughout life. Noting that the status of being a champion is a state of mind – champions are not only winners of competitive situations but are those who rise to the challenges, get up from their comfort zone and try harder. She then reminded them that they are never too young to be what, and who, they are destined to become – and whatever they chose to do in life, they must complete it with heart, passion and pride.
The keynote speaker was a past salutatorian of the school, Mr. Cadeon Richardson. As a recent 6th Form graduate of the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School, he used the theme, incorporated the death of his father during his primary education years, and other struggles he encountered, to deliver a dynamic and powerful address that not only resonated with the graduates but with all who were in attendance.
One of the highlights of the graduation was the presentation of flowers on behalf of the graduating class of 2019 to Ms. Tashanna Brooks for her inspirational fight and support of Lupus Awareness in Anguilla. Many special presentations were awarded to the outstanding students in academics, sports and behaviour/character.

Ms. Jayda Romney has conferred the honour of Valedictorian at the ceremony. According to her, she made a promise to apply herself this year, her final year in primary school, and to grasp hold of all opportunities that she encountered. “If only my parents knew what they were getting into”, she remarked, and as a result, Ms. Jayda Romney received 12 outstanding awards. She received awards for Outstanding Academics, Most Outstanding in Science, Literacy and Social Studies, Innovators Award, Student Merit Award, Outstanding Visual Art Student, Outstanding CXC- CPEA Performance, Most Outstanding CXC-CPEA Language, Social Studies and Science and Valedictorian of the graduating class 2019. What was most inspiring, and fell on all listening ears in the audience, was the statement: “To all the parents here today I say, continue to be involved in your children’s’ school life. We know that you work hard to give us everything we need and want, but sometimes what we need most is your presence, love and support.” Ms. Romney concluded by reminding students not to limit themselves and that their start does not determine their finish.
The graduating class performed a melodious rendition of ‘The Champion’ by Carrie Underwood which was chosen and arranged by the Primary Music teachers, Mrs. Shermel Archibald, Mr. Elson Richardson and Mr. Gordon Hazell.
This was followed by the vote of thanks by Ms. Déyanne Carty who attained the honour of being Salutatorian of the graduating class of 2019. Ms. Carty achieved 5 notable awards which included Outstanding Academics, Most Outstanding Mathematics, Most Outstanding CXC- CPEA Mathematics, Most Outstanding CXC-CPEA Results 2019 and Salutatorian of the graduating class 2019.
The principal and staff would like to extend a warm thank you and appreciation to the parents, businesses, alumni and community partners who have assisted and supported us for the school year 2018-2019.