Preparations are being made for the construction of a new polyclinic at South Hill, just off the main road at the entrance to Blowing Point.
The land area, amounting to probably an acre, and said to have been previously owned by Mr. Walton Fleming, has been swapped with him for a similar size lot at Spring Path, registered to the Anguilla Government.
The current South Hill Clinic has served the area for many years and, though small, is a very busy community health facility. It is understood that the polyclinic, to be erected just south of the old site, will include a dental facility among other services.
It is part of a planned provision of new health facilities that will include a polyclinic, dental and administrative facilities in The Valley. They will complement the costly refurbished Princess Alexandra Hospital at Pope Hill, Stoney Ground, the Welches Polyclinic and the other health facilities at West End which are also earmarked for improvement.
Mr. Curtis Richardson, the Minister for Infrastructure under whose portfolio housing falls, has commended the Minister of Health and Social Development, Mr. Evans Rogers, and his Permanent Secretary, Mr. Foster Rogers, for their work to develop the health facilities and services in Anguilla.
Mr. Richardson visited the new site for the South Hill polyclinic on Tuesday, June 4, and expressed delight with the new development which will give much prominence to the Road South constituency where he is the Elected Representative.