acidic water
During last Friday and Saturday nights, May 17th and 18th, the Raymond Guishard Stadium conference room was the scene of quite an interesting forum on the quality of drinking water. Several persons were in attendance to learn first-hand of the harmful effects of acidic water and the benefits of alkaline-rich water.
The facilitator for the events was Ms. Ursuline Joseph, of Dominica, whose mission — all across the Caribbean — is to make an effort to curtail chronic illnesses and diseases that come about as a result of the poor quality of water that islanders drink. The key proposition in her presentation was to ingest water with an ideal acceptable level of alkaline in order to combat potentially debilitating diseases.
Ms. Joseph was introduced to the modest gathering by Mrs. Prudence Richardson, who is an advocate of pure alkaline drinking water. Both she and Ms. Joseph are business partners with Xooma Worldwide, of Hampton Virginia, a health advocacy organization that exists to, as its slogan states,“change the health of a generation.”
Ms. Joseph emphasized: “I have been in Anguilla before, but this time I am here because I care for people who suffer. I have come to share with the public the benefits of moving away from acidic water to alkaline water. We must realize that bottled water, with very little exception, is very acidic. Once you take acidic
water into your system, it causes diseases and sicknesses of all sorts to manifest.
“A majority of the sicknesses that we experience in the Caribbean thrive on the poor quality of the water that we drink. Whether it is high blood pressure, diabetes, or cancers, they are all harboured by acidic water that bathes the body’s tissues.”
She stressed that these conditions can be reversed and eliminated simply by resorting to drinking mineral-rich, alkaline water: “When one drinks alkaline water, diseases and sickness cannot exist in an alkaline environment.
“Our agent that fights diseases is a mineral-rich alkaline product called X20, which contains 77 different types of minerals to ward off diseases in the body. The product X20 is manufactured by Xooma, which has been existing for some 26 years, but which has operated in America for the past 10 years. I have established myself in this company three months ago, and I am on a mission to change the Caribbean to healthier living by drinking healthy water.”
Scientifically, the pH scale indicates the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. The scale rates from zero to 14. Any rating below 7 is acidic. A rating of 7 is natural, and any rating over 7 is in the alkaline range. The alkaline product X20 has a rating of 9.9 in the alkaline range.

The alkaline product X20 originates from a mineral-rich ocean source near the Okinawan Islands off the coast of Japan. The powdered product comes in little sachet bags, and when two are added to a regular 1.5 litre of water or the same quantity of tap water, the water is made alkaline with minerals and is, ideally, healthy to drink.
James R. Harrigan, Staff Reporter