The possibility of direct flights to Anguilla from the US mainland, on airlines carrying up to 75 passengers, is still under consideration, according to the island’s Parliamentary Secretary responsible for tourism, the Hon. Cardigan A. Connor.
“We are looking at Miami first of all,” Mr. Connor told The Anguillian newspaper. “That matter is with Nick Wagner, the CEO of Forecast. In fact, we have signed a contract with him. He is the agent who has direct links with American Airlines as well as Delta and JetBlue. Over the coming months, he will work directly with them on our behalf – and we have employed him to do that.
“I must say thank you to the investors in the five star hotels in Anguilla who have come on board, and who have seen the need to have that direct flight,” Connor said. “From Government’s standpoint, it is first come, first served, so that Anguillians out there would not feel it is only for hotel guests. The investors working with us are from Belmond Cap Juluca, CuisinArt, Four Seasons, Malliouhana-Auberge and Zemi Beach.
“All of the properties are very busy this year. One of our challenges has been access to the island. If there is a flight out of Miami, it would also attract Europeans to fly direct to Miami and then to Anguilla. This would be cheaper as opposed to flying out of Britain or Europe directly to the Caribbean because of the tax system.
“We will have Miami as a base, and in the future with tourists from New York, Boston and other states on the west coast flying to Miami and then directly to Anguilla. This would be a huge plus for us.”
Mr. Connor added: “As we look towards the expansion of the Clayton J. Lloyd International Airport, this is one of those low-hanging pieces of fruit that we talk about and say it can happen now. It is important for us to take advantage of that.
“The other thing is that Governor Foy is very keen about making that happen. He has already reached out, saying that he will do all he can to help us with the airport regarding how to deal with a flight that comes in with seventy people; and how we can process them through as quickly as possible.
“These are some of the things that, over the next five to six months, we will have to put in place. It is something that is vitally import

ant for us. Anguilla is at great demand right now and we have been very successful. It shows our resilience after the hurricane – and still to be regarded as one of the top destinations in the Caribbean.
“The investors, whether in the five star hotels, the villas and even the charming escapes, suggest that people see Anguilla as a place they want to invest in because there is a demand out there to visit Anguilla.”