On March 27-29, 2019, the Anguilla Community College conducted the first “Leaders Leading Leaders” course since 2017, following a post-hurricane hiatus in 2018. The seminar was facilitated by Melinda Goddard, Principal at ClienTell Consulting. Melinda holds a Bachelors in Economics and a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Southern California, and has built a multifaceted career across corporate sales, training, marketing and customer satisfaction which makes her uniquely suited to provide training of this sort.
Twenty-three (23) participants completed the Leadership seminar representing officers from the Anguilla Air and Seaport Authority (AASPA), the Anguilla Social Security Board (ASSB) the Departments of Immigration, Senior Teachers in the Department of Education, as well as members of the private sector spanning the legal, financial services and hospitality sectors.
“This class is different than a lot of other courses because participants will touch the lives of many others throughout the community,” remarked Dr Karl Dawson, President of ACC, when thanking the participants for attending the short course. “As this class ends it seems that there are a lot of powerful, influential people here, even more influential today than when you began the course on Wednesday!”
The course highlights best practices for: leading with a compelling vision; ensuring customer focus both internally and externally; engaging and helping every member of the organisation to ensure mutual respect, teamwork and the capacity to build on their strengths; while collaborating across departments, other stakeholders, and the community at large to implement winning solutions to address shared challenges.
Some participants’ comments from the course evaluations included, “[I] learned a great amount to put into practice…I can take my organisation into the future with the skills learned…[It] reflected real life situations with accompanied solutions or guidelines…a fire was lit. [We] are going to go back to work to address burning issues!”
The Anguilla Community College offers a wide array of short courses, professional certifications, associate degrees and technical and vocational courses. For more information about the Anguilla Community College, visit us in George Hill or inquire via our website at www.acc.edu.ai or contact us at (264)-498-8395/476-8395 or via email at info@acc.edu.ai.
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