As Anguilla develops socially, economically, politically and constitutionally, the airways have become fertile with a glut of information. There are claims, counter-claims, attempts at character assassination, propaganda, gossip and ‘fake news’—all seeking to influence public discourse, and the decision makers on a variety of issues. In this emotionally charged environment, finding credible information is vital for civil discourse and the well-being of the community. The model under the acronym ICE (information, communication, evaluation equaling understanding) is proposed as a methodology to achieve the already stated objective of finding credible information.
Information is material gathered from primary sources such as being present at an experience, interviewing individuals who were present at an experience, historical documents, and literary texts. These provide first hand, or raw data, which is vital for public discourse.
Information gathered from secondary sources such as the year of an event, and articles and text and books about the event. These sources when used in combination with primary sources can give credibility to the public discourse.
Primary and secondary sources, therefore, are distinct from popular social and political postulations (claims) which are inherently biased, or untrue, but are designed to reach a particular sector of the public which is not interested in verification.
Communication is the ability to present information in a coherent and convincing manner that the populace can use for discussion leading to the process of evaluation. Throughout history, this process which has been used by tyrants, political opportunists, propagandists and ideologues with much success. For them, ‘the end justifies the means’ therefore truth, morality and reason are subject to their anticipated outcomes.
Evaluation is critical in the assessment of information. At its core it involves stripping information of social, political and religious biases.
It is the combination of information, communication and evaluation (ICE) which leads to understanding. With understanding Anguilla can soar to the heights of civility. Without it we are in danger of descending into anarchy.
By: Wycherley Gumbs (All rights reserved)