“Whether… or not I do not know. One thing I know, though, I was blind, I now see” (John 9:25 NKJV). That was the testimony of a grown man, who was born blind, now just healed by the hands of Jesus. His healing was somewhat of a process: Jesus had spat on the ground, made a daub of clay with the spittle, anointed the man’s eyes and sent him to find a particular body of water. There he was instructed to wash, which he did, and came back seeing. Wow!
God is the Healer! You might say I already know that. I ‘m glad you do. But have you ever taken the time to process this? Whether God heals miraculously in an instant, or he processes it with time, He’s still the Healer and should be praised just the same.
Recently, I was sick with a plaguing virus in my body. I prayed, my wife prayed, and the church prayed for my deliverance, but nothing changed significantly. Had God ignored our prayers? The sickness endured for over 10 days. Some things happened, though. God brought me through the process of a gradual healing. Through the ordeal, He granted me needed rest, I had the opportunity to focus and meditate on Him as He revealed more of His heart to me, and I was able to receive of His revelation and inspiration.
Our healing is a finished work of Jesus Christ. Whether it comes in an instant or takes a period of time, it’s all glorious because it is done by a wise, all-knowing God.
Unfortunately, as humans, we tend to thrive off, or be impressed by, the instant and dramatic. And if it doesn’t happen instantaneously we might tend to think that God has distanced himself from the situation. No. The God who raises up a full blade of grass overnight is the same God who takes decades to grow the mighty oak. We can depend on Him.
Some may tend to believe, if I am healed overtime, that’s not God — that’s not a miracle, that’s a natural occurrence. But I have a question: who sets the course of nature in place anyway? Is it not God, the mighty Creator, the great Healer? This reality might upset a portion of our standard theology. All healing, whether “instant” or “processed”, is “divine” because all healing comes from God alone.
Consider this: after your sickness has run its natural course, do you think the devil would have you healed? Absolutely not! It is the conquering Saviour who dismantles the devil’s plans and effects your healing.
So in your situation of life, whether sickness or whatever, if God does it in a moment or allows you to go through the whole process day by day, just stand in awe of Him and give God the praise. Only He is the Healer and Deliverer anyway!