As 2019 begins, it is hard to ignore that we are little more than a year away from another General Election. The current Anguilla United Front administration has one year left to fulfil its many campaign promises. I wonder if we were to objectively grade their performance over the past four years whether they would receive a passing or failing grade. While I am certain that some things were accomplished, I am equally certain that there are many other things that were not accomplished. It is not wise, in my view, to accept as gospel the many promises politicians make. After all, it is just what politicians do. If we examine carefully what they say or put in their party manifestos we would immediately recognize that many of their stated intentions are either empty rhetoric or downright unrealistic, particularly over a five-year period. It is incumbent on us as voters to use our heads and pick sense out of nonsense.
It seems to me that many persons in the populace are disenchanted with both the existing United Front Government, the Anguilla United Movement and other candidates who have expressed their intention to contest the next election. People are calling for new blood, fresh ideas, doers and not talkers. People are demanding better leadership. They want the Anguilla that their forefathers fought so hard for and they want it now. They want a land of opportunity for their children, not one where migration is necessary for them to thrive. The people want better health, education and sports facilities. They want better utility and communication services and road infrastructure. People, especially young people, are calling for a stronger, more vibrant economy that not only enables them to be workers, but owners, innovators and entrepreneurs. The people are no longer satisfied with platitudes of politicians, they want to see action. They want to see progress for the country and for themselves.
People are crying out for change, but who is paying attention? Not the existing political parties or the usual candidates. I’m not sure about you, but based on what has been shared with the public so far it seems that to date, approximately one year before the next election, our options for the candidates coming forward to lead the country are basically the same. There is a saying that insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. While I am not saying we are insane, when you think about it, election after election, we have been electing the same people to office. We may give each party a turn at winning but many of the main players in the parties are the same. If we are satisfied with the job that they are doing then by all means, let’s keep playing musical chairs. But if we really want a different dynamic as I am sensing from my interactions with the public, we have to actively encourage more persons with integrity, sound educational background, dedication and love of county, to run and vote for them when the time comes. In other words, if we want change, it seems to me that we have to be engaged in making change happen.
Only time will tell what will emerge by the time the next election rolls around. Whatever our feelings about the slate of candidates we have to choose from, I encourage all of us to use the opportunity to exercise our right to vote. When we do not vote, we give others the power to make that choice for us. At the end of the day, the country needs leaders. It is up to us to use our intellect, experience and best judgment to determine who those persons should be, given the choices presented.