At this time of year, when we reflect on and celebrate the birth of Jesus, it would be interesting to find out how people view or see Jesus? Do you, or your children and others still see Jesus as a baby? Well, if you do, it is wise for you and all of us to bear in mind, and tell our children, that Jesus is no longer a little helpless manger baby. Jesus has grown up. He grew and matured like all of us except without sin. He is in His Father’s house attending to His Father’s business. Therefore, our images and expectations of Jesus must grow up as well. You see, the way in which we view Jesus is the way in which we will treat Him.
The first lesson we need to learn is that the Baby Jesus is God’s Son. Therefore, Christmas is not merely about the birth of a baby. Christmas is about the celebration of God’s entry into our world. And the second lesson should be the reason for His birth. He came to redeem mankind. When these two things are clearly understood, they will transform our lives and form the basis for how we see Jesus and how we interact with Him. You see, my friends, we should never operate in ignorance or live a life of myth and fantasy.
The Christmas story that we hear every year is more than just any old story. It is something that happened in history that affects us today and will affect our future. Jesus came as a baby and grew as a man. He performed works which only God could do. He is creator. He is the upholder of all things. He forgives sin. He will raise the dead and execute judgment. For 33 years Jesus felt everything we feel. He struggled just as we struggle. He even faced what every human eventually faces. Jesus faced death itself. In short, Jesus came as a baby in order to deal with the same fears, challenges, and trials we deal with. The true focus of Christmas therefore is on the deity of Jesus.
What are your images and expectations of who Jesus is and what He is about? Have they changed over the last year? Are your knowledge and understanding growing or are you stuck in the past? Are you holding on to a sweet cuddly image from your childhood? How would your life be different if your image and understanding of Jesus changed? What would you have to change or do differently to let Jesus grow up? Are you willing to let a grown-up Jesus challenge and transform your life or do you simply want Jesus to make you happy?
My friends, when your knowledge, experiences and relationship with Jesus grow and mature, you will see him in a different light – from a new perspective. When you meet Jesus, He will change death from a dying experience to an entry into glory experience.
He will change your perception of death into a glimpse of glory. He will move you from worrying about this world to rejoicing about the world to come. You will come to realize that He is not just for the rich; He is for the poor too. He is not just for the educated; He is for the uneducated too. He is not just for the old; He is for the young too. He is not just for the ones in the know; He is for the disenfranchised as well. He is not just for the ones in multi-million dollar homes; He is for the ones who sleep on the streets as well.
So, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus this year, let us tell Jesus “thank you” for the journey He took up the hill to Calvary to redeem us. Let us give him thanks for all the things He has done for us. He heals us and saves us, and forgives us every day of our sins when we believe in Him. He is just and fair, even if we do not understand it at times. Let us fear Him with utmost respect – as well as love Him with wholehearted devotion. Let us trust God that He knows what He is doing. He came as a baby, now He is reigning as our King. May God help us to see Jesus for who He truly is, trust Him implicitly to do whatever He wants and wills in our lives – and love Him wholeheartedly because He has first loved and saved us.
Remember: Jesus came as a baby to redeem us. The cross shows us the seriousness of our sin – but it also shows us the immeasurable love of God.
About the Author: Mrs. Marilyn Hodge owns and operates the Wellness Centre in the Farrington, Anguilla. The Centre offers Counselling Services by Appointment Only and has now published Positive Living Volume 2. Contact information: 476-3517 or email: