The National Commercial Bank of Anguilla Ltd. (NCBA) is pleased to announce Mrs. Vanessa Croft Thompson and Mr. Jean Claude (DJ Jeanie) Patterson as the winners of its Jingle Competition. The Jingle Competition was launched on June 18, 2018 and was open to the general public. The submitted entries were judged on creativity, incorporation of the Bank’s name and originality.
Mrs. Croft Thompson and Mr. Patterson’s jingle submission was a collaborative effort and they were awarded EC$1,000 for their winning entry. Mrs. Croft Thompson accepted the check which was presented by Mrs. Cherecia Lewis Rogers, Marketing & Business Development Officer, and Mr. Michael Bird, CEO of NCBA.
NCBA is excited to have released the new jingle as part of its continued branding efforts, and it will serve as the Bank’s signature jingle. NCBA takes this opportunity to thank all participants of the Jingle Competition, and congratulates Mrs. Croft Thompson and Mr. Patterson on their winning submission – and commend them on a job well done.
– Press Release