After many months of redevelopment, the Princess Alexandra Hospital is now in a most improved condition with better accommodation facilities and services.
The improvement is particularly in the male and female wards, the children’s ward, the intensive care unit and the maternity ward. The wards have also been refitted with brand new furniture and equipment, adding much to the care and comfort of patients. The new construction work also includes a number of additional bathrooms inter-connecting with the various new rooms on the western area of the hospital building.
The redevelopment work was financed, to some extent, under the UK Government’s grant programme for the island following Hurricane Irma. A most important improvement is the expansion of the maternity ward for which funds were raised by Mrs. Blondel Cluff, the Anguilla Government’s UK/EU Representative in London. It has been arranged for her name to be attached to the ward in recognition of her outstanding contribution.
In view of the improvement work at the hospital, the Health Authority of Anguilla arranged an official reopening of the wards for Thursday, November 22, this week, at 3.30 pm. The programme, under the chairmanship of Mr. Foster Rogers, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health and Social Development, was circulated as follows:
Opening Prayer: Mr. Stanford Richardson, Member, HR Committee; Welcome and Opening Remarks: Mr. M. Foster Rogers, Permanent Secretary, Health; Brief Remarks: Hon Evans M. Rogers, Minister of Health; Mrs. Blondel Cluff, Anguilla UK/EU Representative & Special Advisor to Chief Minister; and His Excellency, Mr. Tim Foy, Governor; Vote of Thanks: Mrs. Maeza Demis-Adams, Chief Executive Officer; Video of Wards Before and After (redevelopment) and Cutting of Ribbon: Hon. Evans M. Rogers, Mrs. Blondel Cluff, His Excellency, Mr. Tim Foy and Mrs. Serene Carter-Davis.