Mrs. Jacqueline Ruan, Mrs. Maeza Demis-Adams and Mrs. Fiona Curtis
A unique way has been found whereby the healthcare service of Anguilla can be financed and improved by “lifting itself up by its own boot straps”, so to speak. That innovative way is through the soft launch of the Health Authority of Anguilla Foundation on Tuesday, November 6, at the Executive Council Chambers.
The initiative was outlined by the Foundation’s President, Mr. Stanley Reid, OBE, former Deputy Governor, now Principal of SER Legal and Consultancy Service.
“While our Health Sector has seen improvements, over the years, we are all conscious that our needs and desires in this area outstrip the capacity of the public purse to adequately address those needs and desires,” he said at a press conference to launch the Foundation. “Civil society has a role to play in the realization of constant improvements in our health facilities and equipment, and the training of our health professionals, thereby ensuring the delivery of improved Health Services. The Health Authority of Anguilla Foundation is expected to assist in closing the gap between the health needs and desires of our community and our capacity to adequately address them.”
Mr. Reid continued: “The Health Authority of Anguilla Foundation has been established in accordance with the Anguilla Foundation Act and was registered as a Foundation on 20th February, 2018.
“The specific objectives and purposes of the Foundation include:
1. To generate philanthropic support for the Health Authority of Anguilla and its not for profit programmes, and the delivery of healthcare in Anguilla;
2. To foster initiatives for the infrastructural development of the HAA for better patient care; and
3. To promote and increase patient care programmes geared towards providing medical care to anyone who needs the services regardless of ability to pay.
“The Health Authority of Anguilla Foundation will – in furtherance of its objectives – solicit, collect and otherwise raise money for the benefit of the Health Authority of Anguilla. The Foundation will be able to offer grants to students, workers and institutions to aid in the furtherance of the aims and goals of the Health Authority of Anguilla. Ultimately, the success of the Health Authority of Anguilla Foundation will lead to the harmonizing and making more efficient the work of the Health Authority of Anguilla in our community.
Mr. Reid disclosed the names of those persons comprising the Health Authority of Anguilla Foundation Council. They are Mr. Stanley Reid, President; Dr. Brett Hodge, Vice President; Mrs. Maeza Demis-Adams, Secretary; Mrs. Jacqueline (Jackie) Ruan, Treasurer; and members Mr. Fabian Marcel Fahie; Mrs. Fiona Curtis; and Mrs. Maxine Herbert-Duggins.
“These persons are genuinely interested in promoting the advancement of Anguilla generally, and the Health Sector of Anguilla specifically, and have committed to using their various skills and talents to achieving the goals of the Health Authority Foundation,” he stated.
Mr. Reid further said: “We are charged with the responsibility of performing any and all duties imposed on us by law and for the bylaws of the Health Authority of Anguilla Foundation. Since the formation of the Foundation, Council members have prioritized the establishment of the administrative and accounting structures so that we can be assured of accountability and transparency in the management of the assets of the Foundation.”
Minister of Health and Social Development, Mr. Evan McNiel Rogers, thanked Mr. Reid and the others in the Council for assisting him with one of his ‘pet’ projects for the improvement of the Health Sector. He reminded his listeners that he was in the process of setting up a 501C3 facility in the United States. “One of the requirements in terms of the transfer of non-profit funding must come through a non-profit organisation similar to the Health Authority of Anguilla Foundation,” he explained. “That 5013C facility is mandated to raise the required funds for the improvement of healthcare facilities among them being the modern medical complex I spoke about earlier.”
Mr. Rogers said his arrangements were going very well and he named a number of persons and organizations abroad, and in Anguilla, who were assisting him in raising funds for the complex – which can now be channeled through the Anguilla Health Authority Foundation.
The Secretary of the Foundation, Mrs. Demis-Adams, CEO of the Health Authority of Anguilla, gave an outline of the immediate and future healthcare needs on the island and acknowledged the support of various sources – including the UK Government.
Governor Tim Foy, who was among the officials at the launch of the Health Authority of Anguilla Foundation, said the UK Government was committed to the full rehabilitation of the Princess Alexandra Hospital, and he commended all who are involved in healthcare for their work. He commented that even in the most developed countries the private sector and benevolent contributions play a really significant role in health services. He added that he looked forward to working very closely with the Health Authority of Anguilla.