The Director of the Social Security, Mr. Timothy A. Hodge, recently traveled to Mexico City to attend the Board meeting of the Permanent Committee of the Inter-American Conference on Social Security (CISS), held 8th – 9th November 2018, which brings together all the Social Security Systems in the Americas.
There are five (5) sub-regions of the CISS, and Mr. Hodge currently serves as the Coordinator of Sub-Region IV, which consists of USA, Canada and the English-speaking Caribbean (including Aruba and Curacao). At Board meetings, Mr. Hodge represents them all.
At the recently held Board meeting of the CISS, agenda items discussed and approved included:
• activities and finance report, work program and 2019 budget of the Inter-American Center for Social Security Studies (CIESS), which is one of the main organs of the CISS;
• activities and finance report of the CISS; and
• work programme and proposed budget for 2019.
All of Mr. Hodge’s meeting expenses were funded by the CISS.
The Inter-American Conference on Social Security (CISS) is an international non-profit specialized technical agency with a permanent status that was founded in 1942 with the aim of promoting the development of social security and protection in the Americas. It celebrated its 75th Anniversary in 2017.
The CISS comprises more than 80 institutions from 39 nations in the Americas which have all undertaken tasks relating to social security and protection in the areas of regulation, administration, management, monitoring and research studies in the field.
It advances the development of social security and protection through a platform for institutional interconnection promoting cooperation, research, training and sharing of experiences. Its strengths include its capacity to act as an effective instrument for the design of public policy that contributes to social welfare.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)