On the first Monday of every month, the Alwyn Allison Richardson Primary School (AARPS) celebrates School Pride Day. The celebrations include teachers, parents and community members showing patriotism by dressing in the school colours – (pink, grey and maroon). The students also contribute by donating $1.00 E.C. to help raise funds for the school’s activities. However, Monday, 1st October 2018, was a special School Pride Day, as the Honorable Parliamentary Secretary, Mr. Cardigan Connor was honoured by the principal, staff and students. One of the AARPS goals for the new school year is to give back to the community. It was quite fitting to start off this new initiative by recognizing one of our valuable community partners, the Honourable Mr. Cardigan Connor. Over the years, Mr. Connor has contributed in several ways to students and the school, not only with monetary contributions but he devotes his time and efforts to ensuring the needs of the school are met. Mr. Connor was presented with a token of appreciation and sincere gratitude was expressed to him for all that he has done over the years and will continue to do in the future. The principal, staff and students of the AARPS warmly extended deep appreciation for the Honourable Mr. Cardigan Connor.