high performance group
This year marks 23 years that the Anguilla Tennis Academy (ATA) has been conducting its Annual Children’s Summer Camp. This year, the camp which provides a rewarding experience for the participants, was held during the period 16th – 27th July 2018.
In an effort to ensure that the 2018 summer camp is a success, the Anguilla Social Security Board made a contribution of US$3,500.00 to the ATA to assist with the travel expenses of visiting coaches and the provision and printing of certificates for the camp’s participants.
The Board and the (ATA share a long-term relationship. In fact, the Annual Children’s Summer Camp was first held with sponsorship from the Board, 23 years ago, at the James Ronald Webster Park, long before the ATA had a home of its own.
The Board has partnered with the ATA on many of its initiatives over the years, as it recognizes and understands the vision of the ATA. The ATA is highly commended for the great work it has been doing, in shaping lives and building a future, for the children of Anguilla through the sport of tennis.
The Board wishes the ATA and this year’s participants a successful summer camp 2018!
– Press Release