Do you know the evil twins – Jealousy and Envy? Do you know the difference between them? Are you aware of the havoc they can reap in our lives? Well, these two are always together. They usually walk hand in hand. There is a distinction between the both of them that we need to be aware of. Envy is to desire something which belongs to another person. It could be their physical appearance, their job, their success, anything. Envy motivates us to try to achieve or out-perform another person.
In contrast, jealousy is the fear that something which we possess will be taken away by another person. Jealousy is hidden at the root of other motives, influencing our thoughts and actions. Although jealousy can apply to our jobs, our possessions, or our reputations, it often refers to anxiety which comes when we are afraid that the affections of a loved one might be lost to someone else.
The Bible has much to say about these twins. Proverbs 14:30 states, “A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones.” Proverbs 27:4 states, “Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy?” Do you see how destructive they are? Are they a part of your life? Have you been jealous? Jealous of what someone else has, jealous of their gifts or abilities, their relationships? Are you still struggling with it?
Have you ever wanted something that was not yours? Have you ever wanted what someone else had so much that you wished that they didn’t have it? Or because they have what you don’t, you get consumed with the idea, and it is all you can think about, and the more you think about what they have and what you don’t, you become more and more bitter?
When we allow jealousy to take root in our heart, it can cause all kinds of problems like feeling bitter, stressed, and angry. Jealousy can lead us to steal, gossip and hurt someone; jealousy can even lead to murder. Jealousy is what led Cain to murder his brother Abel, Joseph’s brothers to sell him into slavery, the religious leaders to murder Jesus, and Daniel to be thrown into the lion’s den.
Envy is a negative emotion. In the dictionary it is defined as “a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another’s advantages, success, possessions, etc.” Harold Coffin said, “Envy is the art of counting our neighbors blessings instead of our own.” Envy is the daughter of pride, the author of murder and revenge. Joseph’s older brothers envied him when they realized that Jacob, their father, loved him more than he loved them. Saul envied David, because he feared David’s popularity would cost him his throne and the kingdom. Solomon wrote, “All toil and all skill in work come from a man’s envy of his neighbor.”; and Psalm 73:3 points out, that “Frustrations and lack of faith also cause us to envy others”.
Do you see how destructive the twins are? Jealousy and envy have the ability to block what the Lord wants to do for us. Both of them will leave us in bondage and keep us from moving forward. God wants to promote us and bless us. He wants to give us the desires of our hearts. But, when we ask Him for something, sometimes before receiving it, the Lord takes us the long way around. He requires that we are tested to make sure that we are capable of receiving what He wants to give us. He wants us to avoid being jealous and envious of others.
The best way to deal with jealousy and envy is to acknowledge what it is we are feeling, confess it, and invite God in to take care of it for us. If we choose to carry the burden ourselves, then there is nothing He can do to help, but if we choose to confess it He will take care of it for us.
Remember: Envy is the art of counting the other fellow’s blessings instead of your own. The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves. Jealousy is the jaundice of the soul.
About the Author: Mrs. Marilyn Hodge owns and operates the Wellness Centre in the Farrington, Anguilla. The Centre offers Counselling Services by Appointment Only and has now published Positive Living Volume 2. Contact information: 476-3517 or email: