A successful Starry Night Fundraising event was held on June 2nd, 2018 at Italia Restaurant at Cuisinart Resort and Spa. A raffle was part of the fundraising effort to help raise funds for the Anguilla Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (ACOCI) ongoing Scholarship Fund.
A brief announcement and handover presentation for the Starry Night raffle winners was held at ACOCI’s Conference room on Friday June 8th, 2018 at 9:30am. All the prize winners were in attendance as well as some of ACOCI’s staff and board members. Lily Moses, Administrative Assistant at the Chamber gave the official welcome. Mr. Desron Bynoe, Acting President of ACOCI shared brief remarks. He stated “On behalf of the Chamber, Board and Staff it is important enough that we do this activity because we felt it essential to highlight your participation in this worthwhile initiative. This initiative really goes back to the Anguillian community in the form of education through the scholarship arrangement that we currently have in place with the Anguilla Community College. Thanks to all who took part and bought tickets but did not win. You are still winners in your own right because you contributed to a worthwhile initiative.”
The winners were then announced and prizes were given.
The winners of ACOCI’s Starry Night Raffle are
Javon Brooks – Grand Prize, ticket #401- US$ 3,000.00
Patrick Lynch – 2nd prize, ticket #194 – 2 round trip tickets on Tradewind Aviation
Terrence Mcdonna – 3rd prize, ticket #432 – Samsung S9 sponsored by FLOW
Tofoya Connor – 4th prize, ticket # 127 – G/E Dryer provided by Expan Co. Ltd
Javon Brooks expressed his elation at winning the Grand Prize of $3000.00. As a small business owner, Javon plans to use the money to invest in his bar Changes which is located close to Ashley and Sons by the round-a-bout. He expressed thanks to the Chamber of Commerce.
The Anguilla Chamber of Commerce also expresses a huge Thank You to all sponsors and persons who contributed to making Starry Night a success. Thank You to:
Event Sponsors: Raffle Sponsors:
International Wines & Spirits Tradewind Aviation
Leviticus Luxury Lifestyle Social Security
Black Orchid Florists FLOW Anguilla
Confetti Dust Studio Expan Co. Ltd
Grand fin de France
Superior Supplies
Tropical Distributors
DJ Sparta
Cuisinart Resort and Spa
Door Prize Sponsors:
Four Seasons Nevis Straw Hat Restaurant
Shoal Bay Villas E’s Oven Restaurant
Cuisinart Golf Resort & Spa English Rose Restaurant
Zemi Beach House Picante Restaurant
Sandy Island Restaurant Roy’s Bayside Restaurant
da’Vida Restaurant & Spa Pineapple Pete (SXM)
Nails R Hair The Dungeon Gym
J&B Gas Services Anguilla Garden Center
Gadget City Re’Jen’s Boutique
Odds & Ends
Thanks is also expressed to the MC for the evening, Ms. Farrah Banks.
On the night of the Starry Night Event, a number of businesses and individuals also made financial pledges in the amounts of $250 to $1500 to the ACOCI Scholarship fund. ACOCI is immensely grateful for your generosity and support. The contributors are:
International Wines & Spirits Advance Caribbean
Nagico Insurance Services Roy’s Bayside
Greig’s Trucking Digicel
Confetti Dust Studio Ife Badejo
Branches of Learning da’Vida Restaurant & Spa
Carol C. Brookes of Taste of Eden (St. Thomas)
Advanced Pest Control Sharon Richardson/Sierra Richardson
A big thank you is expressed to the Starry Night Committee for their hard work and dedication in making the event a success. Finally a huge thank you is extended to all in the community who bought Starry Night event and raffle tickets. The success of the evening would not have been possible without your support.
The ACOCI Scholarship Fund helps deserving students pursue higher education in various fields at local institutions. Individuals or businesses can make financial contributions to the Scholarship Fund throughout the year. Congratulations to the raffle winners and once again thank you to all made the Starry Night, dinner and dance a success.
By Shellecia Brooks-Johnson