The six priority recovery projects, part of a larger programme being financed from the 60 million pounds in humanitarian aid recently released for hurricane-hit Anguilla by the United Kingdom Government, were the subject of discussions this week.
The discussions on those and other projects were held at a meeting of the Anguilla Programme Board (APB) in the Executive Council Chambers on Tuesday, May 8. The Board was set up by the Governments of the UK and Anguilla to oversee and coordinate the preparation, management and delivery of the 60 million pounds CSSF (Conflict, Stability and Security Fund) recovery programme following Hurricane Irma in September 2017.
The six priority projects are the badly damaged Adrian T. Hazell and The Valley Primary Schools; repairs to the Princess Alexandra Hospital; the roofs of Government buildings and hurricane shelters; extension of the Government’s telecommunications tower at Crocus Hill; and repairs to Police Headquarters in The Valley and the Marine Police Station at Sandy Ground. Various other recovery projects form part of a larger list to be funded from the 60 million pounds in due course.
The Anguilla Programme Board is co-chaired by the APB Manager in the Governor’s Office representing the FCO, Mr. Darren Forbes-Batey MBE, and the Chief Project Officer in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, Investment, Commerce and Tourism, Ms. Anthea Ipinson-Connor. The membership of the Board comprises the Permanent Secretary and Chief Engineer, UK/Government of Anguilla Infrastructure Adviser in the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications, Utilities and Housing; the Chief Projects Officer and the Chief Procurement Officer, both in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development; the Permanent Secretary and Education Planner in the Ministry of Home Affairs & Education; the Permanent Secretary (Social Development, Permanent Secretary (Health) and Health Planner in the Ministry of Health & Social Development; and the Senior Project Officer, the UK Infrastructure Adviser, the Financial Specialist and the Project Officer in the Governor’s Office.
Meeting with the APB were two visiting technicians from “WYG” a company based in the UK and funded by the Administration Costs element for the Anguilla Programme. They are and will continue to provide the relevant technical assistance (quantity surveying and structural engineering) to the team at MICUH, led by Chief Engineer Bancroft Battick. The visitors will also host workshops to enable knowledge transfer whilst they are on island for 10 days. They are Mr. Ian Gill, Senior Engineer and Mr. Mark Davis, Associate Director, WYG.
The third visitor was Mr Keith Lane. He will be taking up his position as the Senior UK Infrastructure Advisor to the Anguilla Programme and will return to the island to take up his position in July for a 2-year period.
Following is the scope of work of the Anguilla Programme Board:
“The APB will have delegated authority from ExCo to oversee and coordinate all activities and matters of relevance to the disbursement of the UK Government CSSF recovery programme from April 2018 to March 2021. Its focus will include, but may not be limited to, the following:
• Oversight of all CSSF hurricane recovery programmes administration on behalf of the Governor and the Chief Minister;
• Compilation of a comprehensive hurricane recovery programme project list for submission to the Executive Council (ExCo) and any subsequent amendments to projects and estimated costs;
• Appointment and monitoring of Senior Responsible Owners (SROs) for each individual project;
• Oversight of preparation of all contract and tender documentation with MICUH leading and coordinating all GOA procurement activity in consultation with the GOA Procurement Office;
• Ensuring close observance of all Anguillian procurement and contract administration legislation by officials, stakeholders and contractors – note all procurement will be under Anguillian laws;
• Oversight and final approval of all statutory agencies’ project works (business case, justification, procurement documents) funded by the CSSF hurricane recovery programme – note under the terms of the UKG/GoA MoU for every project precludes that procurement will be under Anguillian laws’;
• Production and regular maintenance of a comprehensive Risk Register for all CSSF programmes related projects; and
• Compilation of monthly updates and progress reports, quarterly reports for the CSSF Regional Board incorporating Impact, Risk and Finance for submission to the Governor, the Chief Minister and the Executive Council (ExCo) and CSSF Regional Board as necessary.”