In a front page article in its edition for Friday, March 23, 2018, The Anguillian newspaper reported that two groups, one representing the Punta Cana Resort & Club in the Dominican Republic, and the ICA Group, LLC, were both involved in the proposed Airport and Conch Bay Projects.
The Ministry of Economic Development, Industry, Commerce and Tourism in Anguilla, has requested The Anguillian to publish the additional information as an update of that article as follows:
“The Punta Cana Group is the prominent group based out of the Dominican Republic which operates resorts, power plants, water treatment plant, schools, medical facilities, housing projects and the owner and operator of the most successful airport in Punta Cana ranked number 1 for Europe connections from DR to Europe.
“Punta Cana Group’s Chairman, Mr. Frank R. Rainieri, is a personal friend of Dr. Claudio Silvestri, the CEO of ICAA and the Silvestri Group are the Developer and Sponsor of Legacy Anguilla Development.
“The Punta Cana Group and the Silvestri/ICA Groups are in process of forming a strong consortium to develop the Legacy Projects making airport extension as the top most priority basis.”