A press release issued to The Anguillian on Wednesday, February 21, stated that the European Union Commission in Brussels “has approved the mobilisation of 2.8 million Euros” for Anguilla. The grant is “from the reserve of the B-envelope under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) to support Anguilla in tackling the devastating effects of Hurricane Irma.”
Mr. Banks, Anguilla’s Chief Minister and Minister of Finance, Economic Development, Investment, Commerce and Tourism, is heading a delegation to England and then on to Brussels for the 16th Overseas Country and Territories Association/EU Forum from February 19-23. The other members of the Anguilla delegation are Mr. Perin Bradley, Deputy Governor, and Dr. Aidan Harrigan, Permanent Secretary, Finance.
The salient points of the remainder of the press release are as follows:
“Approximately EC$42.9m (14m Euro) has been allocated for Anguilla’s Territorial Programme for the 11th EDF period, 2015 -2020. This programme will support the implementation of its education sector policy, as outlined in its Education Development Plan: Education and Training for a better Future – A Strategy for Education, 2015-2020.
“To date the first tranche of EC$11.6m was received on 18 September 2017. The anticipated tranches for 2018 -2020 are EC$10.2m and EC$8.7m respectively.
“Additionally, following the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, the Government of Anguilla applied to the European Commission to access reserves of the 11th EDF, specifically ‘Reserve B’. This facility allows aid to be granted to the OCTs faced with serious economic and social difficulties of an exceptional nature resulting from natural or man-made disasters or extraordinary circumstances having comparable effects.
“The EU Commissioner has approved the mobilisation of EUR 2.8 million from the reserve of the B-envelope under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) to support Anguilla in tackling the devastating effects of Hurricane Irma. It is proposed to sign an addendum of EUR 2.8 million to the Financing Agreement of the current EU-Anguilla 11th EDF Education and Training Sector Policy Budget Support Programme.
“A total budget of 40m Euros has been allocated to the 11th EDF Regional Programme. Under this Programme, the Caribbean OCTs will collaborate in the areas of Sustainable Energy and Marine Biodiversity. The Caribbean OCTs are represented by St. Maarten, the Regional Authorising Officer for the Regional Programme. Following Hurricane Irma, the OCTs have agreed to add a component of Resilience to the Programme.
“Additionally, there is a further thematic programme that focuses on Energy, Climate Change and Disaster Preparedness.”