Pastor and Mrs. Berg
The Anguilla District Seventh-day Adventist Minister, Pastor Trent Berg, and Mrs. Berg, were the recipients of much commendation following the regular service at Jireh Tabernacle on October 28.
The words of appreciation and commendation were expressed by representatives of the congregations who, afterwards, presented Pastor Berg with monetary envelopes. A bouquet of flowers was also presented to Mrs. Berg.
Pastor Berg, a national of St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands, was stationed in Anguilla for the past four years by the St. Croix-based North Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. In addition to his religious and spiritual duties, he serves as a counsellor to schoolchildren.
He was grateful to the SDA congregations for their expressions of appreciation, and brought greetings to them from their fellow Seventh-day Adventists brethren in St. Thomas where he experienced Hurricane Irma during his extended stay.
He spoke of the damage there – including that done to the roof of his mother’s house which was ripped off – and the loss of a number of lives in that territory.
He was pleased that the well-known international Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA) had assisted Anguilla with a quantity of relief supplies following Hurricane Irma.