A number of businesses in Anguilla will now be in a better position to respond to workplace incidents that occur on a national scale.
This emerged from a two-day workshop arranged by the Anguilla Chamber of Commerce and Industry in collaboration with the Department of Disaster Management and the Anguilla Red Cross.
The facilitator was Mr. David McGreggor, a former trainer with the United Kingdom Government with over 35 years of training experience, specialising in motivational sessions. He now functions as the accredited trainer for Business & Family Emergency Recovery Training (BERT).
Programme Officer with the Department of Disaster Management, Alwyn (Jerry Dice) Richardson, told the 19 workshop participants that his Department and the Anguilla Red Cross were grateful to the Anguilla Chamber of Commerce and Industry for its support. “The training will expose you to the key concepts of disaster management, and includes skill development in the areas of evacuation planning, basic search and rescue, fire suppression, fire safety, emergency communications and initial damage assessment,” he explained.
Mr. Richardson pointed out, however, that the responsibility for preparedness was that of individual businesses. He stressed that hazard impacts could be devastating to Anguilla and there was a need to support small businesses that provide critical services to the communities of Anguilla.
The training, delivered by Mr. McGreggor in the form of a video lecture, was followed in most cases by interactive sessions to reinforce the practicalities as well as the theory of emergency response.
The subjects covered by the workshop included the incident command system, emergency preparedness, fire safety, light search and rescue, psychology of emergency, terrorism, family safety, implementation and injury and illness prevention.