The Chief Minister and Mr Fritz Smith joined Mrs Blondel Cluff and the members of the Government of Anguilla London office at the House of Lords to give evidence to the Select Committee on the EU. The hearing was televised and may be viewed on: http://parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index/4cf6edb8-d6b9-41ad-965f-044f41d9c882. Mr Banks impressed upon the panel that Brexit presents Anguilla with a unique and complex set of challenges as Anguilla, like Gibraltar, has a direct border with the EU in the guise of French Saint Martin, which is a part of metropolitan France. Mr Banks proceeded to inform the panel of the fact that the EU is the only significant source of Anguilla’s developmental aid. Mr Banks reiterated that Anguilla was poised to help the UK during and after Brexit and that opportunities exist for both Anguilla and the UK.
The London Office had produced an extensive White Paper entitled: Anguilla & Brexit – Britain’s Forgotten EU Border, a copy is available at http://westindiacommittee.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/The-White-Paper-on-Anguilla-and-Brexit.pdf. The comprehensive paper was well received by the panel together with written evidence in support of the Chief Minister’s response. The White Paper had been produced after undertaking considerable research in the UK, Anguilla and the EU, and not only set out the facts and circumstances of Anguilla, but includes an analysis of the impact of Brexit on government, institutions and individuals culminating in a Blue Print for negotiations between the UK and EU on behalf of Anguilla in which the advantages for each side in resolving Anguilla’s plight are set out.
Mrs Cluff represented Anguilla at a dinner later that evening attended by the new Foreign Office Minister of State Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon, and the Undersecretary of State for Exiting Europe, the Rt Hon Robin Walker MP. Mrs Cluff presented the paper to both departments and was encouraged to continue the valuable work of presenting Anguilla’s case to the EU Commission and supporting the UK Government in their endeavours.
During the course of the week Mr Banks and his team will be attending a series of meetings including a pre Joint Ministerial meeting together with a Joint Ministerial meeting on Exiting the EU. Various meetings relating to health and transportation will also be undertaken. A series of meetings will also be held with the Anguillian community in Slough in which their views on Brexit will also be canvassed.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)