The Anguilla Lions Club has a new Executive for the Lionistic year 2017-2018. The President is Lion Tiffany Hughes, the Secretary Lion Ernie Hodge-Carty and the Treasurer Lion Melissa Meade. The other positions of the Executive are Vice Presidents, First and Second year Directors, Membership Director, Lion Tamer and Tail Twister. The outgoing President also forms part of the Board.
In her message to the gathering, Lion President Hughes pledged her commitment to the work of the Lions with her theme, “Reach the Unreached and Touch the Untouched”. The President’s plans are (a) to focus on branding the club’s image, (b) membership retention and rebuilding comradery within the community all the while remaining dedicated to service. To achieve these goals there is need to work in collaboration with other clubs on the island and the community at large. Additionally, incentives will be offered to members who go the extra mile to assist in executing the projects identified. This she hopes will contribute to membership retention and attracting new members to the club.
Outgoing Lion President, Hewlett Gumbs, thanked the Lions for their support and commitment during his tenure as President and pledged his continued assistance to the new President Hughes as together “We Serve” our communities.
The installation ceremony was conducted by Past Zone Chairman of Zone 2B Lion Ernie Hodge-Carty.
For many years, the Anguilla Lions Club has conducted and participated in a variety of projects and programs such as the distribution of food baskets to needy families in the various communities, collecting used eye glasses that are sent to the US for recycling and the Lion Ermine Edwards Education Sponsorship program to name a few.
Through this medium the Anguilla Lions Club would like to thank the general public for their support over the years and look forward to their continued cooperation.
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