Fifty years is a major milestone for an Island Territory, an institution, as it is for an individual. Our celebration is not so much a festivity, but a solemn occasion to pause and look back at this fifty year journey. A moment to look ahead at the mountains we must still climb as we continue to build and give our meaningful contribution to this place we call home.
Try for a few minutes to recall the first time that big aircraft spreaded its wings over our tranquil island and what was there to see – men dropping out from the back of the aircrafts like flies. Yes they came to invade this small but friendly little island. Many back then were frightened beyond recognition, as they took stock of what was unfolding. To the visitors, they too were appalled because, instead of coming to a rioting island, they were greeted and welcomed by a most friendly and accommodating set of natives. It did not take them too long to recognize that they were in for a treat on this our island Anguilla.
So, today, we pay homage to the founding fathers and, in particular, the father of the nation Mr. James Ronald Webster (deceased).
On this day May 30, 2017, let us pause to reflect and remember the many heroes and heroines of this small but tranquil island, Anguilla. We must and will reflect and recall how faithful they have been to their vision and ideals.
Today, most of them are no longer with us, and I invite you to join us in remembering them all. We want to pay tribute and salute them all – a modest but important beginning. The years following, our aspirations were often challenged by economic decline and political instability. But those aspirations and hopes never died. Men and women of goodwill and resilience were determined to prevail. As we look back, being true and faithful to the dream, we can say with pride that we have played our part. Though some of the decisions needed for that dynamic flexibility were not without controversy, we have come to a place of resolve. Throughout our fifty year journey we have had to look continuously at our neighbors throughout our region and try to emulate them as business models – doing so while ensuring financial soundness at all times, even in the most turbulent environment.
– Now we must redesign ourselves for new challenges and opportunities.
– We must constantly rethink our tools, our systems, our responses.
– We must be wary of providing old answers to new problems, such as how we finance our infrastructure.
– We must seize the window of opportunity that opens only once, such as the demographic dividend.
– Above all, we must continue to be at the centre of social and economic transformation, and in the creation of fair and inclusive societies that provide equal opportunities for all…for men and women of our country and for every individual, irrespective of their circumstance of birth.
We wish to thank all of our people, for nothing would have been possible without your devotion to the task. We still have a lot to do. With Governments, private sector, civil society, our youth, and society at large, Fifty Years later, our mandate remains as relevant as ever. Old problems have metamorphosed, new ones have arisen; our toolbox, our responses, must accordingly evolve. In that way we remain true to the founders’ and the Island Territory of Anguilla. So with the guidance of the almighty, let’s remain grateful towards this institution and make it fit for the 21st Century. “Our People, Our country, Anguilla; – let’s stay brave strong and free.”
Thanks to all. Let’s continue to build our country, an Anguilla that will be rightfully ours and the generations to come.
The Anguillian Society of