Zenaida Haven, a well-organised Juvenile Rehabilitation Centre for boys, at Rey Hill, Anguilla, is now in its eighth year and functions under the auspices of the Department of Probation. This week has been a special period for the Government-funded community institution and its appreciative and disciplined residents. It was the observance of the Centre’s 8th Anniversary, marked by a series of activities.
The opening activity was a Thanksgiving Service at the Anguilla Chapter of the City of Faith Church, in the Stoney Ground area, on Sunday, May 7. There, representatives of the Ministry of Social Development, the Department of Probation and Zenaida Haven, including the Centre’s residents, were welcomed by Pastor Paula C. Gumbs and the congregation. The service, and, indeed, the rest of the week of activities, had as the overall theme, Metamorphosis: Transforming by Care.
It was an apt and appropriately chosen theme in that it reflected the mission of Zenaida Haven: to change and re-direct the lives of its all-male young residents now numbering five. Pastor Paula Gumbs based her sermonette on the Biblical account of the transformation of Saul, formerly a prosecutor of Christians, who became Paul The Apostle, an ardent proclaimer and defender of the faith. She commended Zenaida Haven for its transformation work and challenged the residents to continue the positive path of life being blazed for them.
Supervisor of Zenaida Haven, Ms. Yoshida Gumbs, gave an insight into the functioning of the Centre. “In the last eight years, Zenaida Haven continued to demonstate commitment, perseverance and resilience in pursuit of high-quality residential care and excellence in our work,” she proudly stated. “This has been recognised both regionally and internationally by the OECS Commission and UNICEF. The staff of Zenaida Haven has continued to grow professionally through multiple training initiatives.”
Ms. Gumbs went on: “Our successes and achievements are no accident as we recognise the commitment, passion and contribution of the Minister of Social Development, Mr. Evan McNiel Rogers; past Permanent Secretary, Dr. Bonnie Richardson-Lake; the new PS, Mr. Foster Rogers; the Chief Probation Officer, Ms. Jocelyn Johnson; and both past and present staff members.”
The upbeat Supervisor added: “I take this opportunity to extend gratitude to all staff members, stakeholders, mentors, parents and other partners, for their continued support and, most importantly, the young people we serve. To the young men, our residents, I wish to say: you can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can always adjust your sails to reach your destination.”
The rest of the week of activities included a motivation session, conducted by Pastor Dexter Welcome of the Dominion Faith Centre on Monday, May 8; a get-together and Drum Circle evening for parents, staff and residents on Tuesday, May 9; a “real rap session” and discussion on Wednesday, May 10; a laughter and movie night on Thursday, May 11; reflections and stories by past residents on Friday, May 12; and a family fun day on Saturday, May 13.