The Government of Anguilla is moving ahead with its masterplan for the renovation of the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School. A team of architects and educational specialists from Design Collaborative from Barbados – Mr Dawood Pandor, Egbert Irving, Robert O’Neal, Allan Harvey and Brian Begg – were on island this week to visit the sites of the ALHCS.
“Today, they are visiting all the sites at the Secondary School so they are here at Campus A, Campus B, WISE, PRU and DOVE. So they are looking at the site, they’re taking measurements and they have their site maps with them,” Dr Bonnie Richardson-Lake, Permanent Secretary, Education told The Anguillian on Tuesday.
She continued: “The project runs until February 2018, but we should have a final report – towards the end of the year – which actually comes out with some recommendations about how the structures can be redesigned. Also, a very important part of the project is the institutional strengthening, and that has to do with things like the curriculum, the timetabling and how to best structure instruction and education and marry that with the infrastructure part. So a lot of what we would want to consider will impact how that structure will look like, so they will make a series of recommendation to us.”
Asked about the funding, the Permanent Secretary responded: “Funding is from government but is tied to some EU funds – and there is a tranche of EU funds we would be entitled to once we’ve completed this project and develop the masterplan but the masterplan itself is funded through Government Capital.”