This week’s article focuses on how the Third Form Electrical and Electronics class and their teacher, Ms. Eva Hodge, overcame the resource challenge which characterizes so many school activities, and had fun doing so. This is indeed a perfect display of the ALHCS VIBES.
There is an old adage which goes, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” This was the basis of a most productive fundraising venture spearheaded by Ms. Eva Hodge, in conjunction with her third form Electronics students. It is extremely difficult to teach such a highly technical subject with insufficient and inadequate tools and components for students’ use. As such, a plan was devised where each student was given the opportunity to actively enhance his/her learning experience in Electronics. The target was to raise a sum of US$ 900.00 in a time frame of six weeks in order to purchase fifteen electronics kits for student use.
The class was then divided into small groups and a schedule devised for the daily preparation and sale of baked goods. Week after week students worked towards this goal, some going beyond the call of duty, others a bit more sluggish yet meeting the daily requirements. This venture culminated with a Valentine’s Day fundraiser dubbed “Valentines Electro-grams”. This brought much exposure to an otherwise low-key Electronics Department by incorporating electronics terms with love phrases in order to produce various greetings such as “I love the way you conduct yourself”, “You transform me”, “I just can’t resist” and the like. Needless to say, the Valentine’s Day fundraiser was a booming success and the target was met and exceeded within five weeks rather than the intended six weeks.
With the additional funds, students were able to purchase more than their personal electronics tool kits. Other supplies such as motors, miniature bulbs and sockets, voltage testers, magnets, heat shrink tubing, L.E.D’s and potentiometers to name a few, were also secured via this fundraiser. In the past we have also received sponsorship from Anguilla Electricity as well as Mr. Jarion Duncan, a former Electronics student. Assistance is always welcome in order to continue to develop the Electronics program and other programs at The Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School (ALHCS). Kudos to the third form Electronics class for seeing this initiative through to the end and making your educational goals a priority! We, the staff and Administration of ALHCS, are proud of you. Keep up the great work!