Anguilla Public and Private sectors benefited from a LPG Safety Training workshop held on April 5th 2017. The National Disaster management Committee partnered with Sol Petroleum Anguilla to conduct a ‘Petroleum Safety – The SMART Way’ Training workshop, which aimed to increase the level of public awareness on ho w best to handle petroleum products to minimise the risk of injury to self, property and others.
Over 50 attendees are the recipients of knowledge and techniques as to LPG Safety
The training which was coordinated by The Mitigation Working Group of the National Disaster Management Committee was held at the National Emergency Operations Center conference room and facilitated by Mr. Julian Jackson SOL Group Engineer Manager from Barbados. The training as conducted under the theme: Promoting Consumer Awareness & Safety Practices”

Participants were drawn from Anglec, Cuisinart Golf Resort & Spa Hotel, Zemi Beach Hotel, Health Authority of Anguilla, MICUH, Lakes Do it Best, J&B Gases, Department of Fisheries, The Anguilla Chamber of Commerce, Department of Physical Planning, Royal Anguilla Police Force, AASPA, RAPF, KCN Tv , Anguilla Red Cross, Department of Health Protection, Department of Physical Planning, Chamber of Commerce, Cap Juluca Hotel, Department of Fisheries.
The Coordinator training, Mr. Alwyn Richardson, Programme Officer, Strategic Planning and Mitigation in the welcome remarks stated It is indeed a pleasure to welcome you to this the first of its kind on our soil, a training that is very important and will beneficial to all attendees.
The Mitigation Working Group is pleased to promote petroleum safety with SOL. This awareness campaign aims to increase the level of public awareness on how best to handle petroleum products to minimise the risk of injury to self, property and others. I must highlight the important role of public-private partnerships for effective disaster management and commended Sol for their support in ensuring that the public is aware of the safety measures that are needed when handling petroleum products and LPG. We encounter hazards and perilous situations every day, some minor and some major. Many of us may not even realize that we have placed ourselves in a dangerous situation… Safety is not a gadget that we can buy. it is a state of mind. Major technological accidents have taught us that their effects often do not stop at the factory fence but affect people, property and the environment sometimes at considerable distances. That is why safety is an essential part of good industrial environmental management.
‘Prevention is better than cure’ and effective safety promotion starts by getting things right the first time, within the factory, storage depot, or transport system. This initiative and campaign will no doubt,
• Make industry, emergency response authorities, and the community at large aware of the dangers of LPG.
• Develop a coordinated emergency response plan that can effectively handle accidents before these develop into major disasters and
• Train residents on what to do in the event of an emergency.
The primary objective of this partnership arrangement, is to raise awareness and foster a safety culture. It is a very important step we are taking here today in ensuring that safety procedures are being followed when persons are handling gasoline, diesel, LPG and other petroleum products. We see this campaign as an important proactive approach to reducing the risk of injury when using petroleum products…and we trust that the information shared with you will be beneficial for you in all aspects of your life. We encourage you to transfer the knowledge gained from this session by sharing information and advice with other members of staff and even with persons that you interact with in your personal life.
The Minister of MICUH, Hon. Curtis Richardson said in his remarks, Safety Is a Choice You Make… Safety rules are your best tools. Safety is the seam that joins the fabric of life. Don’t let a loose thread bring it all undone.
Health and safety practices are important because they raise awareness of the potential dangers. Institutions, companies and businesses must take an active approach in educational campaigns on the importance of practicing safe habits in order to maintain a healthy and safe working environment.

The success of your company is foremost the success of the people you employ: their combined skills, talents, commitment and hard work. This is why you try to attract and recruit the best people, you invest in their training, develop their careers and make sure they earn enough to stay with you. You want them to remain motivated. Health and safety is part of the same investment. Through good Health and Safety practices and campaigns and measures you are reducing the chances that your best-qualified mechanic will get badly injured in an accident, that your promising designer will be out of work for weeks because of a burnout, that your experienced accountant will start making mistakes as he is suffering from constant back pain.
Workplace health and safety procedures are necessary for the well-being of both employers and employees. Effective health and safety programs educate workers on the benefits of practicing proper workplace behaviors. For example, a “Safety Pays” program helps employers determine the cost workplace injuries and illness have on a company’s profit margin. When companies understand the impact injuries have on their bottom line, they are more inclined to implement programs to keep their workers healthy and safe.
I stand here as Minister of Communications and Works and applaud this initiative and campaign.
For too long we have been reactive people and not a reactive people and it is commendable always , when committed minds can collectively engaged in measures and initiatives to reduce loss of lives, prevent injuries, damage to property and the environment. I am pleased to endorse “The Petroleum Safety Campaign”, being established by Sol and the Department of Disaster Management. This awareness campaign I am sure will provide the public with practical and easy-to-remember tips on the proper acquisition, transportation, storage, usage and disposal of gas cylinders etc.
The Government of Anguilla is committed to Safety of our people and will endeavor to ensure that mitigation measures be adopted in every sector of our communities and working environments. As part of Government’s commitment towards corporate social responsibility and the health, safety and environment principles, we will to continue promoting, organizing and managing several awareness campaigns aiming to educate our customers on the possible risks that might occur as a result of potential hazards and risks and appeal to employers and employees to use the process of risk management to address the same.
-Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)