UWI Graduates on Anguilla have elected an executive body to manage the affairs of the Anguilla Chapter of the UWI Alumni Association. At a special meeting on Tuesday, 28th February, 2017 at the UWI Open Campus, seven graduates were elected by acclamation to serve on the Executive.
Mr. Stanley Reid, who acted as Interim Chair from September 2016, will serve as President. Mrs. Meredith Connor will serve as First Vice President; Ms. Chevonne DaSouza as Second Vice President; Mrs. Vernice Proctor as Secretary; Ms. Carla Richards as Treasurer; Mrs. Jocelyne Mills as Assistant Secretary/Treasurer and Ms. Avon Carty as Public Relations Officer. The UWI Graduates in attendance pledged to support the Executive members as they seek to pursue and realise The UWI Mission, which speaks to supporting the inclusive development of the Caribbean region and beyond.
The Association includes graduates from all four campuses of the UWI (Mona, St. Augustine, Cave Hill and the Open Campus) and Executive and Alumni members together will strive to achieve The UWI Mission by assisting in the maintenance of “a capacity to supply and support a wide range of expert technical, professional and advisory services to meet the needs of national governments, public and private sectors, and regional and international institutions, and to involve all stakeholders in the process.” The Executive of the Anguilla Chapter of The UWI Alumni Association looks forward to working with all sectors in Anguilla in its bid to ensure the inclusive development of Anguilla, the Caribbean region and beyond.
UWI Graduates are encouraged to continue to register as members of the Anguilla Chapter and to attend the next meeting slated for Tuesday 28th March 2017, at 5:00 p.m., at The UWI Open Campus. Registration forms can be obtained at The UWI Open Campus in Pope Hill and persons desirous of additional information can contact The UWI Open Campus email at anguilla@open.uwi.edu or telephone number 1-264-497-8156.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)