On February 23rd, 2017 the Department of Youth and Culture conducted an orientation session with the 2017 cohort of the Youth EXPOSURE programme. This session was held at the Teachers’ Resource Centre with 14 clients present, 5 of which will be trained as Teaching Assistants to support the Department of Education.
The orientation session was facilitated by the Senior Programme Officer – Youth Development, Ms. Joleyne Robin who provided a comprehensive overview of the programme and it’s benefits to the clients who were present. As part of the session, Ms. Robin encouraged the clients to take full advantage of the programme and use this as an opportunity to strengthen their work ethics and skills and further develop their resume’s.
The Youth EXPOSURE Programme targets young persons who are Belongers of Anguilla between the ages of 17 to 30, who have 4 or more CSEC subjects (College and University Degrees included) and have been actively seeking employment for one (1) or more years.
The clients of the programme are attached to various Government Departments including Primary Schools, for a period of six months and will receive training and development from the Anguilla Community College and a monthly stipend which will be paid by the Government of Anguilla (Department of Youth and Culture).
For further information of the Youth EXPOSURE Programme or to apply to the 2018 Cohort, please contact Mrs. Jocelyne Mills, Programme Officer – Youth at Jocelyne.mills@gov.ai or by telephone (264) 498 3792/497 0969, at the Department of Youth and Culture.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)