The Government of Anguilla expressed condolences to the Government of St Kitts/Nevis on the passing of former Governor Sir Probyn Inniss.
Chief Minister Victor Banks described the late Sir Probyn as a friend of Anguilla during the Revolution. He went on: “Let me take this opportunity to offer condolences to the nation of St Kitts where he served as Governor, and during the period 1975 to 1981 would have been the period during which the Government of Anguilla was seeking to formalize its separation from the state St Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla. He would have been Governor during that period 1980 – 1981 when that was coming to its final conclusion.
“But, generally, he would have been a friend of Anguilla during the period of the Anguillian separation; there would have been a number of things that he would have spoken to – issues he would have addressed. He was really somebody we honour and respect, so my condolences to the Government and to the people of the State of St Kitts/Nevis and the family of Sir Probyn Innis.
The Chief Minister also mentioned that the former Governor had a connection to Anguilla and is related to the Speaker of the House of Assembly, Roy Rogers and family.
Sir Probyn died on Sunday at the age of 80. He was knighted by Britain’s Queen Elizabeth in 1976.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Health, Evans McNiel Rogers, spoke on the proposed National Health Insurance System: “We are working very hard to try to have something in place for the 1st January 2018. There is a Dr Stanley LaLta who is an expert in National Health Insurance. He comes from the University of the West Indies. He will be here next week and there will be two days of retreat where he will be engaging with the National Health Committee and the Social Security Board so that we can chart the way out in terms of the implementation of a revised National Health Insurance System for Anguilla. A lot of work has been done. That work will be utilized, tweaked and will have the stakeholders involved.”

Rogers acknowledged: “We cannot continue the way we are going in terms of our healthcare and medical care services. The medical treatment overseas vote that is provided for in the Annual Budget has never been adequate, but we continue to incur expenses from one year to another; and the cost of healthcare is increasing exponentially and, as a result of that, we must work assiduously to be able to implement something so we control some of the cost.”
He also disclosed that his Ministry was in the process of finalizing a request for a proposal for a Consultancy Service to help with the implementation, and to work out the details that would be necessary before the implementation of the National Health Insurance Scheme.
“I will be focusing on the national health insurance. A lot of work is being done for the implementation and, in the next two weeks, I intend to take a paper to Executive Council for the approval of establishing an office and individuals who will focus on the implementation and strategies and the procedures so that we will be able to realize this on January 1, 2018,” the Minister vowed.
Minister of Labour, Cora Richardson Hodge, expressed concern that there have been complaints from employees, especially in the hotel sector, that they have been told by their employer that it does not make sense to go to the Ministry or Labour Department to make a complaint because nothing will be done. She said: “I want to disabuse everyone of that notion and to say that the Labour Department has a role, and that role is set out in the Fair Labours Standard Ordinance – and that role is to hold the reins between the employer and the employee.
“While it is that the Labour Department is not a Trade Union, at the end of the day, if employers and if employees have concerns with respect to what is happening on the job it is incumbent on them, especially the employees to make a report.”
The Minister continued: “There are circumstances where the Labour Department may not, depending on the circumstances, be able to deal with the situation based on what comes before it – but there are other circumstances where, certainly, the Labour Department has an obligation to step in and to correct whatever wrongs or perceived wrongs are being done. You cannot sit back and quietly complain about the situation because you are afraid of losing your job and then do not come to the Labour Department… “Then you complain that Government isn’t doing anything to help but if you don’t come then Labour is not aware of your circumstance … I want persons to come forward with their complaints so that the Labour Department can look into the matter and address the matter based on the particular circumstances.”
Parliamentary Secretary for Tourism, Mr Cardigan Connor, outlined some promotional activities – Anguilla 50 Campaign – a Branded Destination promotion for this year to mark the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Anguilla Revolution here in Anguilla.
“Anguilla 50 is an Umbrella Marketing Brand Campaign for tourism this year both at home and abroad. Our message is that a celebration of this anniversary – stakeholders are offering visitors a variety of specials, promotional offers to encourage them to visit Anguilla for the 50th anniversary,” he announced.
“The objective is to drive business to the island particularly during the off season May through December. We are currently soliciting Value Added promotional offers from all stakeholders in Anguilla’s tourism industry. The offers will be promoted and made available to consumers via an app.
“We are seeking the participation of our hotels, villas, tour operators, restaurants, so we can truly make it an island wide tourism destination promotion. These offers run from May 1st to Dec 15.”
Mr. Connor continued: “We have launched an Anguillian tribute programme targeting specifically thousands of repeat visitors who already know and love our island. We are reaching out to them, first, through our partners in the accommodation sectors and then, on social media, inviting them to come back and give back to our island for the 50th. We are offering them a chance to a win a trip back to the island and make a small financial contribution to support our national sport of boat racing, youth sports and sports facility development of the island.”