(The Anguillian was requested by the Hon. Curtis Richardson, Elected Representative for Road South, to publish the following statement. The information is mainly for the people in his constituency who elected him to office.)
I am always humbled by the support given to me at the polls on April 22nd, 2015. That said support from all cross sections of the Road South community was loud and clear. People often ask why I campaigned as a motherless child when others were campaigning with their mothers and fathers to their side. Well I guess the answer has been provided which is the people owe me no obligation and the real voice within Road South is not in any man, woman , or house. It is a collective voice. So it has been proven that when your father and your mother forsake you that the Lord Almighty takes you up.
Since 2005 I believed in the love we shared as a community to see me through. I entered politics because of the love shown to us as a family over several decades. The love we share was severely misunderstood in 2005 election and mocked. The love we shared was equally misrepresented again in the 2010 election results. But in 2015 the love we shared prevailed and it was very clear and evident that we have a bond that can withstand any scrutiny, any fabrications, any malice, any whole lie, any half-truth, and any evil efforts to regain control of opportunities so viciously abused. It was of your choosing that I was declared the duly elected representative for Road South and you demonstrated to all of Anguilla that you wanted change and that change was not beyond you. I say to you now change is here!
Yes change has come. Everything that could weaken a solider has been thrust upon me in a short two years including the death of my dear father, the struggles of an ailing country with airport issues, banking issues, deteriorating infrastructure and rising unemployment. I take the responsibility you thrust upon me as your chosen representative but please do not forget in your critic to remember the conditions of the country when you called me to serve. I would have preferred to serve in 2005 or even in 2010. Yet I am thankful that God allowed you to call me in 2015. A calling I dare not take lightly.
I have been consumed for the last two years with the many issues and challenges of the nation. This came as a result of the responsibilities thrust upon me by the AUF Government in making me the Honourable Minister of Infrastructure with responsibilities for various portfolios. Yet I want to be very clear that my ultimate respect and appreciation will always be for the people of Road South. So it is my pleasure therefore to focus over the next three years of my service to you to demonstrate that your choice was with God’s advisement and clarity of thought. You may at times have questions but in the end you will never be put to shame for your actions at the polls April 22nd, 2015, resulting in my victory as the duly elected representation for Road South. I make one honest confession today that had I known that your choice for change would hurt and damage so deeply those who feel you owe them an obligation with your lives and your children’s future, I would not have contested the election. I hate when people hurt especially if they cannot find healing. I believe in love.
In my two years specifically for the district, I have:
• Cleaned-up Blowing Point Beach East and West
• Invested in the job creation opportunities for the community
• Sought avenues for persons rendered unemployed or marginalized
• Ensured my pledge to the principle of participatory democracy
• Placed a first ever seen number of Road South persons on Boards
• Ensured the involvement of Road South regarding national interests
• Continued to give support to acquisition of important documentations
• Supported the general needs, interests and aspirations of the community
• Strategized on acquisition of land for the development of Sports and Youths
• Strategized with community leaders for the advancement of youth centre
• Sought Investment of funds for youth development and activities
• Tried to resolve access issues/disputes in a rational manner for all concerned
• Supported the restructuring of the port as a gateway within the community
• Addressed port issues of congestion and confusion upon arrival and departure
• Represented the interests and concerns of citizens within the community
• Supported and finance general community clean up on an ongoing basis
• Sought support for the improvement of community lifestyles and upliftment.
• Playing field and Sport Development at Blowing Point
• Beach Establishment and community park at Dolphin Site
• Workshop For Business Development and Advancement of youth life skills
• A fund for the financial advancement of high achievers in education
• Celebration of all things pertaining to Road south achievements
This list is not exhaustive but demonstrated amongst my national efforts what I have specifically done and what I am desirous of doing within the community. The Love campaign remains intact but there were setbacks because of the personal weight thrust upon me by the passing of my dad and the demands of a national agenda thrust upon me as a Minister of Government.
But rest assured that I remain as strong in my commitment and love for you the Road South Constituents as I was when I started in 2005. Two defeats did not deter the vision I had of a better Road South and a single victory certainly will not. I covet your prayers for there are those in our midst who are getting more desperate to hinder us. My mantra since 2005 has been and still is “DELAYED IS NOT DENIED” and “I STILL BELIEVE!!”
I was elected with a clear majority. The election results were: Curtis Richardson (AUF): 641 (50.95%); Haydn Hughes (AUM) 545 (45.17%); Rev. Clifton Niles (DOVE) 24 (1.91%); and Statchel Warner (Indep.) 10 (0.79%).
May God bless Road South and all of Anguilla.
Curtis LOVE Richardson