The information was relayed to them by Chief Minister, Mr. Victor Banks, and Mr. Fritz Smith (the Government Sherpa), who both left Anguilla to attend the Overseas Territories Joint Ministerial Council meeting in London.
It was reported that over 100 members of the Anguillian diaspora attended the town hall meeting on Sunday, February 5. The Chief Minister addressed them on such main issues as the Banking Resolution; Anguilla’s 2017 Budget; Cap Juluca; the constitutional impasse with Governor Christina Scott regarding the reshuffle of ministerial responsibilities by the Chief Minister; and plans for the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Anguilla Revolution.
Other matters discussed during the question and answer period included health, taxes and business licences.
Meanwhile, Mr. Banks introduced the Executive Members of the newly-formed Anguilla Community Group to those gathered at the town hall meeting. That group will be functioning as an umbrella organisation which the Anguilla Government will be working with on issues related to the Anguillian diaspora in the United Kingdom. The Anguilla Community Group is chaired by Ms. Grace Vanterpool, the Government of Anguilla Representative.
Earlier during the weekend, Chief Minister Banks, Mr. Smith and the Anguilla Government’s UK/EU Representative, Mrs. Blondel Cluff, met with the Anguilla Community Group. The meeting was aimed at reviewing the community’s progress in establishing a foundation to support Anguillians in the UK and at home.
Mrs Cluff shared her extensive experience of UK charities and fundraising with the community group. She also spoke about the creation of an e-magazine which is freely available at www.therockanguilla.com. The publication is intended to be a source of articles and news items collected from Anguilla’s global diaspora. Mrs. Cluff has invited Anguillians everywhere to contribute to the online magazine. A workshop will be organised by members of the Anguilla Community Group on how to maintain and edit the magazine – and to use it as an essential tool for community engagement.
Chief Minister Banks said he had arranged for jobs and other opportunities, within the Government of Anguilla, to be advertised in the e-magazine called The Rock. He was pleased to note that the Anguillian diaspora was recognised as being one of the most successful groups from the Caribbean. He expressed the hope that the proposed foundation, referred to above, would soon be created – and that the needs of the wider Anguillian community, including those nationals living elsewhere in the UK, would benefit from its intended work.