The Valley, Anguilla – Tuesday, 24th January 2017 – The Anguilla Social Security Board is pleased to announce its 35th Anniversary Theme and the winner of the 35th Anniversary Theme Competition.
After careful consideration of 22 entries submitted by four persons, the winning theme selected for the 35th Anniversary is “Social Security at 35: Securing Futures, Enhancing Lives!”
Ms. Farrah Banks, Director of Radio Anguilla, is the winner of the Social Security Board’s 35th Anniversary Theme Competition, which was held during the months of August and September 2016. The cash prize awarded to Ms. Banks for the winning entry is EC$1,000.00.
The Board, Management and Staff of Social Security extend congratulations to Ms. Banks for her winning entry.
Social Security Board is celebrating 35 years of service to the people of Anguilla in 2017. The System was introduced by the Father of the Nation and First Chief Minister, the late Hon. James Ronald Webster, through the passage of the Social Security Act on November 3, 1980, and operations began on January 1, 1982.
A calendar of activities to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Social Security in Anguilla will be launched at a later date.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)