The Attorney General and his staff held an away day on 16 December 2016 to develop a strategy and business plan for 2017. The away day took place at Her Excellency the Governor’s House and all staff benefited from hearing insights and inspiration from HE The Governor, The Honourable Deputy Governor and Permanent Secretary Chanelle Petty Barrett.
In a series of sessions the staff discussed their personal development needs; training plans and aspirations for 2017. In addition the staff held sessions on how they could use working practices from private practice to develop the efficiency of their work.
As part of the innovation for 2017, the lawyers in Chambers have taken a lead in subject specialist areas of law and will be the key contact for providing advice across Government in their specialist areas. Staff will lead on areas such as financial crime, sexual crimes against children and vulnerable adults and administrative law.
All staff had the opportunity to provide their input into the 2017 Attorney General Chamber’s business plan for 2017.
The Attorney General John McKendrick QC said:
“We have all benefitted from considering how best to improve the important work that is undertaken for the Government and people of Anguilla. Given the continued fiscal constraints on the Government, it is essential that the Chambers is at the top of its game, to provide the best possible advice and representation for the Government to protect the people of Anguilla. Our away day has contributed to developing a strategy to deliver results in 2017.”
The Chambers will soon launch a new website to better inform the Government and people of Anguilla of the work undertaken by Chambers.
The Attorney General and his staff wish everyone on Anguilla a very happy and healthy 2017.