The Anguilla Evangelical Association (AEA) on Monday, November 26, 2016, elected its new Executive: President – Pastor Philip Gumbs; Vice-President – Pastor Gerard Gumbs;Secretary – Apostle Elmead Allen, and Treasurer – Pastor Gareth Hodge.
The Association is grateful to outgoing President, Apostle Lucien MacDonna, for his twenty years of service in that capacity. It was his vision that gave birth to the AEA, and over the years he served with sacrifice and passion.
The top priorities of the AEA include:
Promoting collective, intercessory prayer among church leaders.
Facilitating national evangelism.
Promoting the integrity of the ministry. This involves offering support, counsel and mediation to individual churches/pastors as requested or deemed necessary; and nurturing a spirit of accountability among clergy.
Facilitating fellowship and unity among churches.
Promoting maturity among believers.
Strategically addressing social issues. This includes crime and violence; at risk youth; relieving the distress of vulnerable groups such as abused children and battered women; and standing against immoral practices that evidently undermine the interests of our society.
Enhancing national development. This involves praying for government and holding it accountable, and creating awareness across congregations of their role in nation building.
The AEA invites the community to the Thanksgiving and Intercessory Prayer Service at the People’s Market on Sunday, December 11, at 6:00 pm. This joint effort of the Anguilla Evangelical Association and the Anguilla Christian Council, is designed to offer thanks to Almighty God for His mercies during the past hurricane season, and to offer prayers for those who suffered in Haiti and the US.
The prayers and moral support of the Anguillian community are fervently desired as the AEA seeks to be a voice of truth, a force of righteousness and a source of blessing to our island.