Eight students on Monday evening were presented with Certificates after successfully completing ‘An Introduction to Graphic Design’, one of the short courses offered at the Anguilla Community College.
The students were presented with their Certificates by President of the College Professor Delroy Louden assisted by Registrar Ms. Carla Harris Pascal. Introductory remarks were made by Dean Dr. Leroy Hill.
The course facilitator was Kenneth Hodge, Director of the Graphic Edge.
Two of the students, Tori McDowall, Melissa Ham were presented with portable drives by Mr. Hodge for their overall attainment of first and second places in the course respectively while a third student, Gershwin Richardson was also presented with a portable drive for his overall performance. The other graduating students were Kerniel Chung, Karmisha Thomas, Shaneka Robinson, Catherine Proctor and Nishara Payne. Hodge commended the students for their really excellent efforts during the course and wished them success as the newest batch of graphic designers in Anguilla.

The College also presented the students and the facilitator with gift bags as a mark of appreciation for the excellent work produced. One of the highpoints of the evening’s ceremony was the students’ display of their work in impressive and colourful portfolios which parents, friends and others in attendance took the opportunity to view.
Plans are being made to run an advanced edition of the course early in 2017.