The Management and staff of the Centre marked another great achievement with the loading of a 20ft container containing 125 sets of 52,250 booklets of the Revised Edition of the Substantive Laws of Belize. This is the second container of law booklets being shipped to Belize.
The Centre provided proofreading services to the Government of Belize for the Belize Law Revision and subsequently published the Revision in print edition and CD-ROM publication. This shipment of Law Booklets will leave Anguilla on Monday 12 December, 2016 destined for Belmopan, Belize.
Hon Attorney General and Resident Director of the Centre Mr. John McKendrick, QC, commented “Once again the Centre has carried out terrific work for another Caribbean jurisdiction. The hard work of Ms. Dash and her team will prove invaluable for lawyers in Belize. Access to revised and consolidated laws is essential to both the rule of law and economic growth. We in Anguilla should continue to be proud of the hard work of the staff at the Centre.”
Ms. Yolande Dash, Manager of the Centre said “We are elated that this print production was completed and shipped before year end. We now shift our focus to constructing an ecommerce website where the Government of Belize can sell their laws online.”
The Centre provides a suite of products and services such as: Law Consolidation and Revision, Data Capture, Printing, Electronic Publishing on CD-ROM, Ipad and electronic tablets, E-commerce website and Consolidation of Laws training. The Centre has added Quick Binder service to its array of product offerings. This service provides personalised hard cover binding to individuals and make great gift ideas such as notebooks, diaries and albums.
For further information on the products and services offered by the Centre, please visit their website at www.lawrevision.ai.com
-Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)